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Everything posted by Selred

  1. Do you mean JET? Tomlin is a very good championship player on his day, he's got 50 goals in the Championship.
  2. How are Derby 12th? Phenomenal really.
  3. That's fair enough about international football, I think there's the odd exception of recognisable players in our squad. The main being Danny Simpson (ex Leicester and Prem winning right back), but aside from that most people don't know players from outside the Premier League. And then very like Pearson. I've heard of Wells for years, but wouldn't been able to recognise him until he joined City as a prime example. I don't think it's a bad thing from @In the Net. We don't play often so why would he know City players any more than he'd know e.g. Barnsley players?
  4. The tide starting turning under LJ. We lost 7 games in 9 before he was sacked, and have continued in a similar form since. The issue has been a lack of style and poor recruitment. Selling our best players and replacing them with poor to average players with no sell on value. We are now stuck with a mix matched squad, with little sell on value to be honest. This is a massive job for NP.
  5. Closely following this thread for where to book my Birthday meal in Jan (Post Cardiff game) as I live in London so don't know Bristol eateries well. Taking my partner to Clifton Lido for swim and breakfast before the Bournemouth game hopefully. Anyone been before? Any good?
  6. 65% accuracy for false negatives. 99% accuracy for false positives.
  7. How many under 50s have long Covid? Also the answer for COVID deaths for under 50's is 6,204. Source: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/weeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales
  8. Was a cracking player for Bath City
  9. Let's be honest, it's likely it took place. But she doesn't want him prosecuted now, what else is there for her to say apart from it didn't happen?
  10. Jesus. Christ. Vaccines reduces chances of hospitalisations, and transmission. Notice the key word being reduces. If everyone is vaccinated, then you have less chance of catching and spreading the virus. See how that is better?
  11. They reduce the spread, not stop it completely. Not hard to understand.
  12. Exactly. You'd think some world leaders would speak out if it was a Conspiracy wouldn't you. Same as Doctors, other medical experts etc. Almost as if it's not a conspiracy....
  13. I don't know, watching City has been more of a punishment over the recent years!
  14. Happened June 2nd and police were involved so not surprised. Can't sack him until found guilty.
  15. Selred


    Hello, Got my ticket today for the Swansea game, as a member. It didn't give me an option of uploading it onto my card (do you know when these are sent out?), and it told me to print it off. I work from home, so don't have an access to a printer. Why can't I just use my phone for the ticket? I have previously at Ashton Gate. Cheers!
  16. Looking to get one in October when I move flats! Comparing it to Strongbow is no comparison. Could piss in a cup and it'll taste better than Strongbow!
  17. At the time it made sense. We weren't playing with wingers and he was poor as a full back.
  18. I'd be looking at £6 mil personally. My issue with Semenyo is where does he fit into our team. He's not an out and out striker, and we know Nigel wants to play wingers which he isn't one either. I'd rather move Semenyo on for a decent wedge and look to get players in for a style of football we want. Always seems forced with Antoine.
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