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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. My guess, small transfer fee and a sell-on.
  2. Even moving on Saikou Janneh for a nominal fee helps.
  3. Nope, couldn’t get a saddle big enough for his backside! Post reporting him and Kadji haven’t travelled.
  4. Who’s present from what I can see: Bentley, O’Leary, Wiles-Richards, Buse (4) Tanner, Wilson, Vyner, Moore, Kalas, Klose, Atkinson, Naismith, Towler, Idehen, Pring, Dasilva (12) Massengo, Sykes, Williams, James, King, Owers (6) Weimann, Wells, Bell, Conway, Palmer-Houlden (5)
  5. I was talking to someone yesterday about him. Think he is raw, but can score goals beneath the Champ…probably Lg2, but possibly Lg1. In the right side he could do well. But he isn’t a Champ player imho. Great character, love his confidence.
  6. Only my guess, but I reckon the option to buy was somewhere between £250k-500k. I can see Ipswich declining to take that option up, but coming back with something lower, even free.
  7. I think playing Antoine Semenyo as a left forward would be the biggest waste of his value to the team ever. And same on the other flank with Andi Weimann. But this thread is about what “you’d do” not me, not Nige…and all opinions are valid and welcome. I haven’t really thought too much about line-ups, although Nige has said a couple of things that makes me feel pretty sure he aims to start with a back 3.
  8. The impression I get from Nige is that although he isn’t data-hungry himself he will 1) allow those that are to bring that element to the debate, e.g. Rennie and 2) he will look at data for specific reasons, e.g. Joe Williams points per game. Just subtle stuff like knowing how many games a player has made or availability of another, he’s usually spot on.
  9. Play school was a tough learning place ???
  10. Wages will be far too high for Lg1, so I guess they think they’ll get some mug to loan him and pay wages whilst they get back to the Champ!!! I suspect new owners will have a different view to the administrators!
  11. Davefevs


    Article on Rosetta this morning, saying he’s realised everyone is going back 3/5 so he’s having to tweak…Honeyman’s energy suggests he realised you can get bypassed in there without legs.
  12. Davefevs


    Hull rumoured to be losing Honeyman to Millwall. I know they exercised his option, but he’s the heartbeat of their midfield.
  13. Davefevs


    We all know how good Bobby was, but I still don’t think he gets enough credit…he was a fantastic footballer, one of the very, very best ever.
  14. It’s worth reading the book Moneyball (rather than watching the film) to get a better appreciation of what was going on with baseball data science (saber-metrics). Brentford’s moneyball is a bit misleading as they have a vast scouting network, but backed up my data, not led by data. Frank is a great advocate of using eyes. He says he only uses data to back up what he sees with his eyes. Moneyball the book was quite interesting as it used data to poo-Pooh conventional scouting, where scouting bias meant certain players were missed because of physical reasons. It also found a link between less traditional stats like how often a batter got to 1st base as being a better guide than how many runs and hits a player ultimately got. There is quite a bit of focus on two players, one of them a fat player who scouts kept overlooking, and a pitcher who pitched “underarm”. Their data in the minor leagues said they should be great…and they proved to be when signed by the major league team owned by Billy Beane (Brad Pitt). But baseball isn’t football, not every event starts with a pitcher stood on a fairly fixed point to a batter stood on a fairly fixed point. It’s too fluid, it has too much context in what is going on around it, what other players are doing. But you don’t need data / pics to tell you Alex Scott played well the other night, do you! But it is good for checking, re-checking. It is good for saving time going to watch players who aren’t worth scouting several times. Was the scout’s report one where the player played out of his skin on a one-off basis. Data can help you there. Its being used more and more, and undoubtedly it’s being used in a more sophisticated way. Back to LJ, he wanted to know where the top sides crossed from in 18/19. Here’s how data helped. Look at those cut-back zones for Norwich and Leeds! Sheffield Utd slinging crosses in from everywhere.
  15. Pension Fund not releasing much in the way of transfer funds are they? Suspect he’s feeling the heat again. Free transfers, re-contracting Kayden Jackson. Hopefully it’s because McKenna has targeted them, but when you see them trying to rid of the keeper they signed last summer (Hladky from Salford) but insisting on a fee from Aberdeen, you realise financially they went mad last season. Now Aberdeen have picked up Roos from Derby, so they are stuck with Hladky as back up to Walton. Looking forward to who will want Pigott on £10k p.w. I think he’s alright, but they overpaid for him.
  16. Bristol Sport’s “shared services” sit outside BCFC (and BC Holdings), so again, we pay for those services at arms length. Probably a bad example, but Supporter Services sell tickets, we collect the revenue from these, but pay the them for manning the phones, posting the tickets etc. But as for the rent, it is exactly that, rent for the ground to Ashton Gate Stadium Ltd for using it for football matches. Rent and ticket servicing are two separate things and paid to separate companies.
  17. No idea. But my guess is that Work Permit paperwork isn’t an overnight process.
  18. Yep, only as good as the “requirements / needs”….and as you say I suspect Nige is very clear. There was a good article (Statsbomb I think) as to how the concept of packing was analysed and it’s flaws spitted, but some of its basics were used to help the foundation of Expected Threat and xG Chain…I.e. what “score” do the passes before the goal / chance get.
  19. So many facets to analysis, performance, recruitment, physical, etc. @Lrrrmight give better inside info than me.
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