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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. When I post on other club’s forums I show a bit of respect.
  2. The problem is, if you have breached for the three year period, the horse has bolted. Until you publish your accounts we don’t know. You don’t seem to get that we are speculating and therefore discussing on a forum stuff that has been put out in the media. If this thread is nonsense, why not scroll past it? We’ve had some good debate on this thread with fans of other clubs, and we’ve had some who seem to be worried by it. It’s a forum, it’s not a court.
  3. You misunderstood me. When I say unlucky I meant that had it been Villa In exactly the same scenario, I think they’d (EFL) have bottled it. Not saying Villa have broken the rules. If you actually read what I’ve said I’ve been pretty clear that we don’t know what is really going on there. If all “ifs”.
  4. I want fair play. FWIW I think Brum we’re unlucky. I think the EFL went after them rather than say Villa, so they could get a precedent set without too much fight. Had they (Shaun and his cronies) not taken so long to sort it, then I think Villa would’ve come under earlier scrutiny. Who knows they may have still passed FFP, we don’t know. Until we see May 31st 2019’s Account’s we won’t know. If those show failure to meet the FFP limits then you’ve got away with blue (claret and blue) murder, and the EFL failed to act on their own rules. If you pass, then that’s fair enough. Much of our info has come from a Villa guy well informed on the financials. Can’t recall his name. As for playing youngsters. Yes, why not. They are pros. We played 9 kids in 1982 to fulfil a fixture.
  5. Yes, they are our opinions, often caveated by only knowing as much has been published. Why so salty?
  6. So what’s the problem then? Although aren’t the PL still investigating?
  7. And @downendcity (in response to @delta), it’s just as cut throat in real business, where a business might try to buy another business on the cheap because it knew of profit warnings or cashflow issues, or try to do a deal on purchasing some products.
  8. I think one thing worth considering with any action plan agreed by EFL and Brum, is that as they’d breached the 3-year limit, they are on “special measures” (my wording) and now reporting annually at £13m. In some respects, going onto a annual remediation plan, saved the double whammy of them still failing years 2,3,4, (as they moved from years 1,2,3) if that makes sense. To try to “take the piss” (again my wording) by not selling, if that indeed was the plan, is gonna incur the wrath of the EFL. They could get points and aggravation deductions if true. Its difficult being an outsider here, and I’m sure I’m showing some bias because my club are within ffp, because we don’t know exactly what is going on.
  9. Ta....it didn’t in this case then, but good to know.
  10. Nice posts @Delta and @Mr Popodopolous if we ignore the stadium sale, a £29m loss offset by £4m Transfer profit - so a £25m loss, doesn’t look like the best attempt to stay within the business plan. I do agree to an extent re EFL not forcing a player to be sold, but was the stipulation by Feb 1st or by 30th June. It happened on 1st July....after the end of their financial year. If you’re going to allow clubs to say “well we sold him eventually” you might as well not have rules. What is deal fell through, no guarantees. We sold Kelly in May to not just let Bournemouth get it done before further interest, but to improve our accounts. Clubs need to think smarter!! Will be interesting to see how this one pans out.
  11. I might be wrong then. I thought when the EFL and PL aligned, some doughnut in the EFL forgot to take out the stadium sale rules, hence PL restricts it, EFL allows it. So I thought the EFL would need to change their rules by removing them?
  12. Won’t it be the EFL re-aligning back to the PL?
  13. Ta. Makes me wonder even more what is gonna come out, if the above is so, yet EFL still pressing ahead with their charge. As I said, it’s an all or nothing situation. You’re either innocent, egg on EFL’s face or guilty, book thrown at you.
  14. We will find out shortly. ? Interestingly, Andy Holt (ASFC) stated he’d never had the opportunity to review and vote on those changes.
  15. One of the things a couple of us have questioned is “Sean Harvey”. By that I mean we wonder whether club owners have spoken to him about their plans, he’s said “yes, that’s fine”, but not formally agreed by the EFL. There have been a few quotes from Villa, Derby, etc (interestingly all the clubs now being questioned officially, in Villa’s case the PL) saying the EFL agreed it, but never (to my understanding) being able to get the actual EFL to confirm in writing. Hence our thinking that Sean said it was ok, but that he may have been operating out of his jurisdiction and therefore giving a bum steer. If that’s the case, it’s probably a bigger mess. Think on either side it’s all or nothing.
  16. Yes, Birmingham for Flyers. First final, and that took preference. It was, both defences on top, and our two best players never got going. We kept Jordan Williams to 5 points, and if you asked me pre-game, I would’ve said had we done that we would win easily. However the other Williams (Amir) had an fantastic game at both ends and was rightly MVP. We showed good fight and took the game all the way, but I don’t think we ever looked like winning. Good day out though.
  17. He played in the celebrity game a season or so back. Had all the tricks (in his head), not many came off.
  18. They are very strong on the community stuff, they usually beat the kids easy ???
  19. You should try to get to a home game
  20. They’re incredibly athletic, and none of them are Peter Crouch’s physique....it’s very physical.
  21. Definitely relative. I’m 6’1” (shrunk from my 6’2” playing days). This was their tallest player last season....6’9 3/4”....my daughter stood on chair. Joe is wearing his match-won west....it’s like a full-length dress!!! Heart over head 86-79 to Flyers. Yes, BBL Cup like league Cup. Flyers are in semi’s of BBL Trophy (FACup) Here’s a few tweets to show how athletic they are.
  22. @TBW is the Basketball Guru, but here’s a “what can we expect” ??? Bristol Flyers: Starting 5 likely to be: Dan Edozie - Forward - British born, captain, came through US College system. Very Tall. Read his back story https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/basketball/34666043 Raphell Thomas-Edwards - British, signed from lower division in the summer. Strong as an ox. Tall Fred Thomas - US import, and effin’ brilliant. Mr Highlight Reel!!! 2nd season here. Arms like Mr Tickle. Tall Gentrey Thomas - Canadian import. Showman, incredibly quick, but a fighter. Short Lewis Champion - Brit signed from lower division 18 months ago. Controls the build-up. Short Bench: Marcus Delpeche (Delpeche Mode / Del-Dunk). Jamaican, but British passport, signed from German lower leagues 2 seasons ago. Likes a slam dunk. Very Tall Levi Bradley - US import straight outta college. Left handed, and smoothest shot in the team. Tall Chris Taylor - Brit, who studied in US. The team-man, fills the minutes whilst others rest, but gives great defence. Tall Jordan Nicholls - Brit, through college and lower leagues. Improving. Short Panos Mayindombe - Greek / Congolese. Duracell bunny, just coming back from injury. Brings energy to the press. Short Josh Rogers - Brit, former Flyers youth who returned this summer. Tall Marvin Dinall - Brit / local - Academy lad who’s been shown the pathway into the first team Coach: Andreas Kapoulas - been around Bristol for 15 years, through University System, and the rise to the BBL. Wears heart on sleeve. Wolves: If Flyers are about the 3 Thomas’s, Wolves are about the Williams. Jordan Williams - our nemesis. Power forward with good feet and hands. If we don’t get him into foul trouble to restrict his minutes he may be the difference. Amir Williams - 7 footer, useful around the hoop Kofi Josephs - GB Olympian. Dangerous shooter, but got some attitude. Cortez Edwards - skilful guard, can score points quickly. Mark Hughes - guard, hot and cold Raheem May-Thompson - good player who can shoot from deep as well as inside. Maarten Bouwknecht - guard, who is getting better as he adjusts to BBL. Julius Van Sauers - don’t know much about him We’ve played Wolves 4 times this season, 1 friendly, lost with last shot of the game, 2 cup, lost two really close ones in group stages, 1 League, won by 10+ If Gentrey Thomas and Fred Thomas get hot, Flyers stand a good chance of winning.
  23. If you see a middle aged fan, with a red t-shirt (we all will be wearing red, Flyers and their sponsor having given us all one ??), getting slightly over excited and into it....that’ll be me. Look out for a Big Aussie Flag....we will be sat in front of it (probably). Cmon Flyers. You might also see @TBW too, but he looks nothing like his avatar pic.
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