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Everything posted by Unan

  1. I live in Bow and often travel back, drunk, from Stratford to Langdon Park, without ever feeling worried, or ever seeing a problem. I’ve also lived in High Barnet, Willesden (just off of ‘the’ Church Road). If anything it’s the nice areas where there is trouble at night. I’ve certainly seen more trouble in my time in Bristol.
  2. No, you said spend a weekend in London to see xyz, which is highly inaccurate.
  3. I haven’t seen it mentioned, and I doubt it re rushing Wilson back, but I wouldn’t be that surprised to see Tanner CB and Sykes/Wiemann/Wilson in at RB instead of playing Jay.
  4. It’s a funny narrative to me, I won’t suggest it’s politically based, but at a minimum is obviously fuelled by slapdash journalists that get paid to knock up 5 controversial/click bait articles per day. I don’t really care enough to find sources but I’ve read, from peer reviewed studies in accredited journals, that the knife crime, per 100,000 people, is worse in New York (considering they also have guns), and about half a dozen other countries in Europe. I’m much more included to believe these studies that take months, if not years, to produce, rather than some more.. questionable sources.
  5. That’s weird, I’ve spent 350 weekends here (and the weekdays in between), I’ve never seen a single incident in person.
  6. Massively oversimplify this but we seem to go gun go at defences for 60 minutes, tire them out, make some changes and bring wells and another forward on to play ‘smarter’ whilst still maintaining pace and directness.
  7. Was about to post similar, I remember us finishing strongly and starting this season well too.
  8. Bet the GFX guy can’t even put a name to a face. “Here’s the team, here’s the featured photo, do your thing”
  9. Unan

    Cardiff forum

    6-1 in a ******* blizzard, sat in the Atyeo and I could barely see the other end of the pitch, couldn’t feel anything below my shins by the end.
  10. Unan

    Cardiff forum

    More so additional policing, stewards, segregations etc etc blabla due to bad behaviour I’d assume. Shame that the minority will often spoil it for the majority. Additionally, we charge embarrassingly extortionate prices anyway.
  11. Unan

    Cardiff forum

    Little bit of useless trivia from an ex friend that worked at Cardiff. Tan would always come in the office and bark at one of the staff to make him and Warnock hot drinks, Warnock would always tell the staff to crack on with their work and would make the drinks himself.
  12. I’m making an assumption here but why is it that the people that ‘get in trouble’ ‘unfairly’ always come across as incredibly dim
  13. Unan


    Next to no chance but if there's no hope then what's the point
  14. No no no! They had their curtains professionally cleaned!
  15. As many have said.. Bell (19 Academy) Wells (32?) Sykes (mid 20 something signed this season) Potentially Wiemann for Bell solely due to experience >
  16. Thanks, that's our surname, it's a sign. Edit: Oh, it's a strip club.
  17. That's the one, Holborns a marginally closer stop. So yeah, anybody in there tomorrow? Or elsewhere?
  18. Appreciate the time and effort for you to post. As others have said, some quite rudely, apologies, we'll be flogging Scott for 25m, in the past 5 years we've sold Webster for 25m, Kelly 15m Bryan 7m, Reid 10m, Semenyo 11m, Flint 8m, etc etc. There's no chance that Mehmeti would go for 2m, and most definitely not to a team with far worse FFP finances to ours, and a team below us. Although I'd argue they're historically a bigger club, they don't have money any more, and even if they did, they're in such a bad state they couldn't spend any significant money anyway.
  19. Where's everyone going for the game? I know there's that pub near Holborn (forget name) that is usually quite busy but haven't heard anything this time round, haven't been in there since the last Man City away game.
  20. I’d argue it’s iconic but I’m always a glass half full kinda bloke
  21. His job is to get clicks, normally controversy = clicks but the blue few are so insecure and insular that they’re in a unique position in which only blind fabricated praise gets clicks.
  22. We have a 900% chance of winning?? I’ll take that!
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