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Everything posted by Unan

  1. How much longer before the anger is aimed towards you-know-who(?) This was pre 0-0 draw with the Gash as well! Overpaid? Useless? Never heard of such a thing. Palmer, Gilmartin, Henriksen, Rodri, Adelakun, Bakinson, Marinovic, Diony, Leko, Kent, Woodrow, Engvall, De Girolamo, O'Neil, Djuric, Matthews, Giefer, Lucic, Ekstrand.. I could probably go on.
  2. Unan

    23-24 season

    Wondered why there was a load of bother at Pudding Mill Lane last night, all makes sense now
  3. All jokes aside I thought he was Robbored for several years
  4. Was going to quote saying maybe it’s an anomaly for this reason
  5. No bother from fans of course, it wouldn’t surprise me if the stewards had a blanket ban on away fans post game though.
  6. Lets not forget they only got promoted because already relegated Scunthorpe played a load of their kids
  7. I normally always get this issue, maybe an HDMI/browser streaming problem
  8. Got a really nasty feeling we'll play very well today
  9. West Ham in our L1 promotion season(?) Man Utd + Man City in the league cup were both Sky(?) Maybe Boro.: 08(?) You might be right
  10. It is a fact, but its also a fact for every other club in our league, so it's obsolete.
  11. Then why try and use it as a point against us? It’s incredibly standard practice for Championship clubs. Waters wet blabla.
  12. “who's enormous losses are bankrolled by their billionaire owner “ This has to be one of the most uninformed & frankly stupid comments that I see quite often. Every single Championship club is a loss leading business ran by a multi hundred millionaire, or billionaire, owner, and has been for a very long time.
  13. Piece of piss, Paddington > Liverpool Street > White Hart Lane, although Paddington > Liverpool Straight is new Elizabeth Line so I’ll let you off
  14. A couple of days ago they would "smash us" if they were to play us in the league, now half their squad can't cut the "step up" to League One.
  15. Time, a concept that has long been pondered by philosophers and scientists alike, is a complex and elusive phenomenon that defies easy explanation. To say that time is simply a measurement of the duration between two events is to reduce it to a mere mathematical abstraction, and to miss the true essence of its being. In reality, time is a multidimensional construct that is intimately tied to the nature of existence itself. It is the very fabric of the universe, and it is through the movement and flow of time that all things come into being and pass away. As human beings, we often experience time in a linear fashion, with past, present, and future all existing in a seemingly fixed and unchangeable progression. However, this is but one perspective, and there are many theories that suggest that time may in fact be cyclical, or even non-linear. At the heart of all these theories is the fundamental question of what time truly is. Is it a fundamental aspect of reality, or simply a human construct? And if it is a construct, what is it that gives it meaning and purpose? In the end, the true nature of time may forever remain a mystery, but this should not dissuade us from contemplating its mysteries, for in doing so, we may gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
  16. Yes, of course, reading a clock is easy. But also, if you look at a digital clock and see 10:15, you know it's 10:15, how can that be harder? An analogue clock doesn't actually tell you the exact time, you have to perform some basic calculations beforehand.
  17. Either way, to see how late/early you are, you need to know the current time. Sure we learnt in reception, would’ve been.. 1999, or 2000 (****, I'm getting old). Always got confused how some kids couldn't understand the simple concept. It's not like the teachers told us that each segment was equivalent to 5n, and when taking into account the entirety, it sums up to a total of sixty
  18. Stadium x10 as good as the dump + what a soft pen
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