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Everything posted by Unan

  1. Without being a Scrooge this was an online trend that City Twitter jumped on
  2. Semenyo extended? Pre determined in contract? Offered an extension? Or actually extended?
  3. I truly believe Pearson won’t allow us to go down, he’d draw blood from a stone before it got to that (I also don’t think we’re in trouble anyway), so to see the gas faithful creaming about the potential for us to switch places (I’ve heard this literally my entire life, born 95) is always amusing to me. They will always make a fool of themselves (although they’re in good form at the moment) & the gift will be given again.
  4. I love Nakhi but bloody wish he wasn’t anti vac #moveToPolitics
  5. Unan

    Dean Holden

    No wonder, they're playing teams that see Holden as an appropriate replacement!
  6. Unan

    Dean Holden

    Just lost to the Gas, you know it must be a shambles there
  7. Alex Neil really is the shitester king in unsportsmanlike conduct, master of dark arts, a cheat
  8. Agreed, it is longer, I was just using the time span the prior poster quoted. I also agree, "What is a good manager?". I think a lot of the context that is missed here is that England have, arguably at least, the best pool of talent in the world right now, and a considerable amount of other teams are very weak compared to their basslines. I'm (somewhat) young, so I can't comment on specific tournaments, but I don't remember a time when we've been so strong, and most other teams have been so weak. I don't think you can use x tournament to show that we are doing well/not too bad/should be grateful, the variables are considerably different. Although I do agree that you can use these tournaments to show the FA are, or at least have been, consistently a load of tosh!
  9. Just because he isn't as bad as the total rubbish we've had over the past 20 years does not make him good, though. Admittedly, the track record doesn't suggest that the FA would appoint a better manager.
  10. I wouldn't call that pompous, I've met 7-year-olds that can differentiate between the correct and incorrect.. ahh never mind, sure.
  11. #politicalcorrectnessraisesIT IS(?)headagain I didn't miss the irony on this one! I don't want to make assumptions myself but it's often the uneducated with the ridiculous views.
  12. Why is it always the sensitive people complaining about other people being sensitive? The irony is often missed, too.
  13. Honestly looks like a set straight from a horror film
  14. Is it just me that gets really wound up hearing our commentator persistently call Conway a Scotsman now that he’s played 10 seconds for Scotland youth team
  15. Didn’t realise it was a Downsy ht show featuring brief mentions of Bristol City
  16. Was that Bailey Wright with a beer?
  17. Awful defending awful, could see it going in the second it left the crossers boot. 5 City players between the sticks and he’s still free.
  18. Just checked the thread, I pay for the stream so not checked if this works but hope this helps https://worldcup.soccerstreams.net/event/rotherham-united-bristol-city-live-stream/1008198
  19. It does look dead, but I would be surprised if it was that much busier at 1pm on a Monday
  20. Unrelated, so apologies if I get your hopes up, but I found this a bit.. different. If anyone's interested..
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