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Everything posted by NOTBLUE

  1. I’ve got to pull you up there,it’s never less 50,000,
  2. You won’t need the two of two fingers,
  3. So we’ve got the “Makems” versus the “Couldn’tmakeitupems”.
  4. That would be “Pete the pelter”,”Steve the slinger”,”Chris the chucker” and “Bob the bricker”.
  5. I do believe that there is a local team called Bristol Barcelona,or something similar,he must mean them.
  6. Your ground’s too big for you,your ground’s too big for you............
  7. Interspersed with some deep sighing.
  8. That’s given me a warm feeling inside?
  9. And one of those coaches is the team coach.
  10. Exactly the same size,it still has enough room for 10,000 locked out supporters.
  11. With white towelling socks and black shoes.
  12. Gash heads couldn’t spell “patronising “ let alone know what it means.
  13. Looks like the scarf has been photoshopped in,after he had surrendered.
  14. I think it’s the dog that needs a few lagers.
  15. Perhaps they should sell the club to Henbury Ass,I’m sure he’s got a spare £5 hanging around somewhere.
  16. The number 73 passes right past the ground.........
  17. I’ve told some lies in my time,and most of them have been absolute whoppers.
  18. Are they going to have a guest speaker? I wonder who could they get...........
  19. I wonder if he’s wearing Adidas trainers.
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