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Everything posted by NOTBLUE

  1. Yes,because apparently they’re all gert teds.
  2. Often wondered what village idiots looked like,a group of village idiots must be called a gas of idiots.
  3. Only if they run errands and are given a couple of quid for going.A couple of quid for going,that’s showing my age.
  4. The City players are there as the Sags carers.
  5. I WAS THERE WHEN TOM NICHOLLS SCORED,that would look good on a t-shirt.
  6. I reckon that if they aren’t careful they’ll have to take thier shoes and socks off to count them all soon.
  7. Slightly off topic,but I was wondering if that hero of theirs ,Lee Brown,has paid his car tax yet and had the wheel clamp removed,before he scarpers off to pastures new.
  8. Probably thinking,I bet the sheed's wish they had a real football ground like us,quickly followed by a lot of thumb sucking and muttering of obscenities under his breath as he dragged his knuckles along the ground,back to his carer.
  9. I must ask one of my gas acquaintances how many points that would be worth.
  10. Thing is,they can make it up,and more often than not,do.
  11. The most overrated pub in the whole Bristol area,mouth and trousers doings to mind.
  12. Funny, when ever I think of needles, I think of p*****.
  13. I think the numbers after their user names say it all really,it’s obviously their IQ.
  14. Didn’t the”Next” sale start today.
  15. The Nou Camp is must see,the cabbage patch is Musty.
  16. I think they should be renamed Bristol Lovely F.C.
  17. Isn’t he lovely,isn’t he wonderful,life is a wally,truely the angels own.......or summut like that,(Stevie Wonder)
  18. If Tim “nice but dim” was a football fan he’d be a sag,crikey what a lovely bloke.
  19. Apparently they were expecting to see some tennis.
  20. I had to go and check my diary,no it’s not April 1st.WTF!
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