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Norn Iron

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Everything posted by Norn Iron

  1. Remember to keep the Pinter Concentrate in the fridge until you need them for brewing. Let the Concentrate get to room temperature before opening. This is especially important for Lockwood. I along with others, have complained of the apple vinegar taste. Which one are you going to brew first?
  2. Dunkel means dark. It is! The beer is exactly how the notes above describe. We're really knocked out about how good it is. A lager? Really? Yes, really! I will bottling any left from tonight. However, last week I brewed another Dunkel but with this brew, I will be conditioning it in flip top bottles to see if there is a difference in taste and appearance. I'll know more next weekend! BTW go to your local independent office. You should be able to get currently for £2 a flip top bottle. The Grolsch inside is free! They're needed for the Pinter....
  3. Their latest offering is Bavarian Rhapsody. This is what the blurb says...
  4. This thread proves that someone at BCFC Towers can not only read but is an Otib lurker!
  5. I wanted to write something similar in the initial post but bottled it! There's obviously a fine line between diplomacy and speaking your mind!
  6. IIRC the Wimbledon game was on the day when we had created a piece of footballing history. We had gone from 5th in the old Div 1 to bottom of the professional football league in successive seasons. I think there were only 4,200 of us there that day as well. The York game was on a Friday night. An amazing atmosphere. Wasn't much of a game but we secured the points to go top.
  7. Well done to Joe for a funny response. Maybe that's why Joe got booked just to make sure he wouldn't catch it!
  8. Unless I'm missing something here, why would there be at least 2 references to TOWN (another one not on the screenshot)?
  9. A lot Dave. It will confirm just how bad the sound-desk and microphones are plus the fact that BCFC need new video equipment. There are plenty of posts on otib to confirm the above!
  10. When Mark was younger, in brewing terms, he would've been known as Mark Mashton.
  11. Not at all Marmite. I'd happily drink it if opened before me. It's alcohol that preserves it. If there is any sediment in the bottle (yeast etc) then it will continue to develop and will become stronger in alcohol. Fuller's London Pride often release beers that are several years old. Wow! They are amazing but then so is the price! Continuing the footy analogy to the beer, it should develop like Bobby Reid ie the older it gets, the better it is.
  12. Mine is still unopened but without the foil! How times have changed. When the Courage brewery was there, Real Estate was an American term.
  13. OTIB has been, like DaveFevs alluded, a lifeline especially during the past couple of years. What though has really irked me and has shown up the social media faults (in this case OTIB) is that some on here can't accept others have an opinion contrary to yours. There will be others who cannot or will not be able to have an informed, mature and intelligent debate on points that I have made. Just because you disagree doesn't mean you have to vent words of negativity at me as if I'm a useless and worthless individual who has alternative opinion. I have watched City through the thick and thin years since the 70s. If I say we have players in the academy not showing bite and aggression that's needed, then it is my opinion based on nearly 50 years of watching professional football. To then diss me because I'm not watching a game through rose (red) tinted spectacles is a shame and produces a slanging match instead of a discussion. OTIB shows how many of us care so much about this silly little team based in BS3. It's not the be all and end all in life. Start showing more respect to other posters, even if you disagree with their thought process. Respect will keep more people engaged in OTIB instead of leaving. Final question....if you had made a fortune would you re-invest money, tax dodge or otherwise, in BCFC? Steve and Maggie did. Show some respect to show how much you care...in all walks of life, family and of course BCFC!
  14. Great thread Spudski. You nailed it regarding the TC years....and I was there. Whether I was helping out the Junior Reds in the first 2 formative years as their steward or on Coach 2 or travelling by car....I was there. Why? Because BCFC was there. I now live in Northern Ireland. In September I did what the photos below confirm. Why? Because it is in my blood. I'm not looking for acknowledgement. There are a couple on here who can vouch for me but that's not the point. I went to all that planning 2 months ago because it's BCFC. I'm now a full time carer to my wife so extra planning was important. Was it worth it? Yes. A win was a bonus....and what a bonus at QPR. Why though go to all that hassle? Because ever since the seventies this club has got into my blood. End of. It will always be the case. PS are my shares from 1982 worth anything?
  15. How many of the houses in the background are the same colour today? Those were the days!
  16. To celebrate today's victory, I have opened the Lockwood that has been bottled for a further 2 weeks. Ok, I'd have opened the bottle had we lost or Barnsley had equalised in the 90th minute! The official description is spot on. The bottling has resulted in more depth and the fruit (apples) has mellowed. The carbonisation is superb courtesy of the carb drop. The Grolsch bottle has done its job brilliantly as well. Is it my kind of lager? Not really. Give me an ale any day. However my non-beer drinker has had a swig and declared it a winner! Pic1 is the beer fully brewed and conditioned 2 weeks ago. Pic2 is the beer straight out of the fridge having been chilled for last 48 hours. Pic3 just poured. The clarity is great as well. Was cloudy a fortnight ago.
  17. I wasn't moaning. Are your comments aimed at me?
  18. Great question. Yes. Give all the youngsters a chance. I seem to be the target here for posting on what I am watching. Am I supposed to watch this game with rred tinted glasses? I switched on not knowing that we were playing such a young team. 0-2 Wiles-Richards looks a promising keeper.
  19. Please explain. I haven't criticised any player merely the style of player. More than happy not to post any more
  20. I don't tend to criticise. Yes, a very young team. It would be nice to see them play as well as QPR though who are bottom of the league
  21. QPR are full of ideas and skilful players who can attack with the ball. We can huff and puff but only in our own half! Reuben Mac just entered the field of play
  22. Good question. Defence is holding up but no midfield bite. It's as if the team think we can score by catching QPR asleep.
  23. Qpr one up. It's so like watching our current first team
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