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Lanterne Rouge

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Everything posted by Lanterne Rouge

  1. Too many of the Kiwis haven`t turned up today. Apart from Williamson and Boult everyone else has just been average.
  2. You just know it`s going to be Steve bloody Smith that hits the winning run.
  3. Surely our lads will be in First Class and they will be in the hold with the rest of the convicts?
  4. Yep. They`re going to win with about 3 overs to spare
  5. Let`s face it, if you were a porn star that looked like him you`d always be out of work. Mathew Wade`s much worse though!
  6. I was going to say before the game that Kane Williamson was due a big innings but didn`t want to jinx him!
  7. They`ll never get to the third round of the cup.
  8. That and the fact the tabs disintegrated after about three positional changes.
  9. You`ve let the club down, you`ve let Hampshire Reds down and, worst of all you`ve let yourself down.
  10. Interestingly, Dunston is where Bruce Halliday finished his career. (Thanks Wiki!)
  11. I wonder if he`ll submit an invoice including an emergency callout fee!
  12. The snake has had to go off injured for Oxford today. Cue the conspiracy theories about him being too scared to play in the replay in front of the dribbling fewers on Tuesday.
  13. Apparently the floodlights have failed but one of the Dunstan players is an electrician and is trying to fix the problem. You got to love non-league football!
  14. Just seen the goal, shocking defending. The bloke who scored grabbed the badge in front of the loyal and few. There won`t be a dry bedsheet in Horfield tonight over their new legend.
  15. 1-0 Cobblers. Really dodgy penalty. What goes around, comes around.
  16. Glen Whelan in midfield. He must be pushing forty now too.
  17. City 0-6 Cardiff 2010 City 1-4 Wolves 2012 City 0-4 Leicester 2013
  18. It does. The forum changes U(p)TG to FTG
  19. Anyone know why it`s 12:30 on the Sunday? I don`t think it`s on Sky is it?
  20. Southend used to play on Friday nights as so many from the town used to go to various London clubs.
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