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Lanterne Rouge

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Everything posted by Lanterne Rouge

  1. All about wickets now, Pakistan are taking them at just the right time up to now. No-one can build a partnership.
  2. Brilliant bowling from Shadab. 4/26 against some of the best batsmen there are.
  3. Pakistan are taking some banging catches today.
  4. Pakistan on for close to 180 here and Australia look like they`ve run out of ideas.
  5. It has at least meant we won`t lose to ******* Australia in the final now and never hear the last of it.
  6. Never begrudge losing to the Kiwis. They play the game the right way with no sledging and always with a smile on their faces. With only one genuine world class player in Williamson they are so much more than the sum of their parts.
  7. What a game this is! How can anyone not like cricket?
  8. Do you have any thoughts on the Brontosaurus? I quite like them.
  9. It won`t half confuse the s*ggies when they see fans walking round in Blackburn shirts. They`ll spot them from behind and rush up for a reach around and come very unstuck.
  10. I don`t think it matters any more. Julie, the A&S bobby that used to post on here said the police have no problem with it subject to the opposition. Blackburn & Tranmere won`t be a problem but if we were home to Cardiff and them Swindon one would have to move. IIRC their biggest concern was fans in colours meeting up in the centre before and after the game.
  11. I must admit, this will probably be the last season I have a ST. As I`m getting older the prospect of spending 10 hours of my Saturday (longer in the holiday season) travelling up and back to Bristol for two hours in the ground is starting to lose it`s appeal. I`ve only been to three home games this season (should have been four but for car trouble) and the driving, along with the parking nightmare around AG is beginning to make me wonder if it`s worth it. I`ve already pretty much blown out night games anyway. A lot will hate me saying this but if there was a (legal) way of getting Robins TV in this country and a season pass was an option I`d go for it. I do, and always will love City until the day I die though.
  12. The general theme seems to be here that we all love City and that will never change but a lot of us are falling out of love with football as a sport. That`s pretty much how I feel TBH.
  13. Last night`s Strictly? I expect they`ve all just watched it on catch-up.
  14. I meant wait a week or so before making any statement. I`d hope SL is on the phone to Shakespeare now!
  15. I`d prefer a statement in a week or so when : a) we perhaps have a better understanding of NP`s health problems b) we may have some news regarding Craig Shakespeare
  16. In Roger`s Profanisaurus it`s known as Yachting.......................
  17. Most on-shore naval installations have names like that. When Mrs LR was in the RNR her base in Plymouth was called HMS Pellew.
  18. Football flare: Boy, 7, injured at Barnsley v Hull game - BBC News Lets hope he`s OK and they severely punish the arsehole who thought it was a good idea to throw it.
  19. Normally it is but Poundland have got a Christmas sale on this weekend.
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