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Everything posted by Riaz

  1. As if by magic - not suspicious at all ?
  2. Riaz

    KP 45

    Wheres its even quicker?? no chance.
  3. And they are more likely to mutate if you try and vaccinate everyone...
  4. You are a conspiracy theorist if you think for yourself and dont believe EVERYTHING you are told.
  5. Riaz

    KP 45

    Championship is too quick for him. Wants too much time on the ball.
  6. You wouldnt need too many people in on it.
  7. They are human. And humans can be corrupted, pressured or coerced.
  8. Big Pharma is a very greedy and extremely corrupt industry. If you dont think this is true - i suggest educating yourself.
  9. Bit harsh. I'd say extremely naive.
  10. I'm with you - anyone willing to risk their childs health for something that is almost 0% chance of death, is a disgrace. Risking your child for other people is the so called justification. There should be an outrage. Worlds gone mad,
  11. The fact we are facing restrictions now, should be enough to tell you, it aint working. If vaccines worked, there would be no need for any restrictions. 90% of adults have been double jabbed ffs!
  12. The fact we are here 18 months later - proves none of its working. I love how you only picked out one point... so you accept the rest isnt working then???
  13. Got a link? to show this? I believe you, but the naive, will demand proof
  14. Lockdowns didnt work Masks didnt work Vaccine didnt work Boosters arent working If you are under 60 without any ailments, get on with your life. If you are over 60 OR have an underlying health condition, take precautions - get family to do your shopping etc.
  15. How many have died from this new variant? people are so uninformed and just rely on what comfirmed liars tell them.
  16. More than a week and its worldwide. Pretty sure its confirmed as being mild. Rather get that than get the vaccine and get a blood clot or heart issues.
  17. The new strain is mild. Hasnt killed one person.
  18. Anyone who complies with this nonsense at this point is a mug. Those w****rs dont think its serious and that was when we was in lockdown!
  19. So you dont think he has an incredible voice?
  20. I love how fans make massive leaps. Player goes on a bad run of form and is low on confidence - all of a sudden they dont want to be here. Total nonsense.
  21. Riaz

    Amazon Prime

    what’s yours? You aren’t seriously suggesting that the womens top level is anywhere near league 2 are you?? ???
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