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Everything posted by Riaz

  1. Long gone are the days when Andy Stockhausen would pretend to cover bristol city
  2. Wages wouldnt be a problem - we could negiotiate low or zero wage contribution. Its all up for negiotiation!! At the end of the day if the clubs willing to do a loan back, will be doing it, to give him another season, not to take a big wage contribution from us. I think you are confused.
  3. Its not really common sense. There's different reasons for buying. Most, will be buying to play immediately. But there will be clubs interested who will see the benefit of another full season of playing in the championship. You have no idea, where he's going or what there plans are. Think everyone knows he's going, with a small chance of a loan back.
  4. Even if that was true - how the hell would you know?
  5. Its the same awful tune as the Eastend rising song Both awful chants - and they kill the atmosphere, every time.
  6. What i mean, is some sort of system where, the pay of an MP increases if they improve the average wage of the nation. Not necessarily, the same as the average wage. But i do think MP’s are massive over-paid. Especially when you consider what an awful job they have done. When you say a lot of good people? Maybe they are, but they are mostly motivated by personal gain.
  7. Good on him. Doing it the right way, by starting at the bottom. If he shows any ability, a possible future city manager
  8. If you makes you feel any better, I’m old enough to have watched them too!
  9. Thats being kinds, i'd say over 90% wouldnt bother being an MP anymore!
  10. I agree 1 million percent ? Politicians should be paid in correlation with the average wage - to incentivise them to work for the interests of everybody.
  11. There’s a simply Philosophy that governments could adopt, that would control capitalism. if governments, shaped policy, to keep cost of living low for all their citizens, it would solve a lot of issues Problem is, our politicians are motivated by greed and personal gain.
  12. Riaz

    Left back

    He was here too long. Remembered GJ queitly giving him a contract when he didnt deserve one.
  13. Riaz

    Left back

    After the first year with us, in which he was very good - Jamie McAllister was pretty average for us and quite often played poorly.
  14. He's a quality player. So yeah it would be great. But after he left, he spoke about getting loads of stick from city fans - which i was baffled about! Just would surprise me if he was to come back
  15. In the real world... he doesn't tap his head and he has a difficult start to his premier league career. ps it made me feel sick too
  16. look up Paul J Watson Driving School. Assuming its the bristol area.
  17. Havent been impressed so far - but i'm reserving judgement until he has had a pre season with us and given a run in the side.
  18. worked fine for me, using express vpn in Turkey ?
  19. Love the guy. What great time it was to be a city fan, when he was here.
  20. Compare the press conferences to the clubs interview! I remember watching another teams press conference a number of years ago and at the time we didnt publish ours at the time. So i asked adam baker on twitter if we could start putting ours out and he duly obliged. The interview by the club, asks really lame questions - which is to be expected i guess. I find the press conferences have much better questions and answers. Far more interesting and you get more detail.
  21. Should have got rid when he asked a young un which prem team they support, on the mic, before the game.
  22. left of centre and socialism? Not possible. Socialism and centrist politics dont go together. Missed a massive opportunity with corbyn and his policies would have avoided many of our current problems
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