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Everything posted by Riaz

  1. Lets not blame the whole division. Uysk and AJ for example - they fight everyone.
  2. WeBeCrooks will never strip him Tyson Fury is a joke
  3. I dont see how they could make everyone use this new system. They will have to have an easy alternative for older people, to dont bother with phones for example. So they are going to have to print some physical cards. And then the cost to do more, cant be much Common sense
  4. I am using it - for myself, so i am defo not turning my back on the technology. For my kids, it gets more complicated, because i dont always have them. I let other people take my kids OR give the tickets to other kids to use. It would be a ballache.
  5. It is absolutely needed. For over 95% of people, the technology will work perfectly. For a small amount of users, it wont, for various reasons. Those people shouldnt be charged extra. Its the club changing, not the people using physical cards
  6. It is unreasonable. Ive always had a physical ticket for my kids - and next season, i'm going to be charged more for that? The cost of making physical cards will be negligible for a business the size of our club. To charge us a tenner per card, would be petty.
  7. Additional costs would be minimal. I dont see why you would be paying for it. They are probably saving money from going digital. I currently have 4 season tickets. I'm happy for my adult ticket to be digital, but for the kids, i want a physical one and if that means its going to cost an extra £30, i'll have to consider, not getting the additional 3 season tickets in future.
  8. I dont agree with that. Thats ridiculous.
  9. I can see this being great - as long as they continue to allow physical tickets for people that want them.
  10. For her, it makes sense. She’s worked her way up and has coached men. Don’t think there’s many like her tho
  11. That would be ridiculous. For starters, there’s very few women, currently working in the men’s game, so there’s hardly any to choose from
  12. i can see that, but several different people borrow them- seems like a bit of a ballache
  13. Because, i only have my kids at weekends. And i let other people use the kids tickets for midweek matches, or the kids go with other people. Dont leave me with much flexibility.
  14. Says on there, for kids tickets, they will have to go on my phone. Hopefully they will let me have physical tickets, for my kids tickets
  15. The income received means more money to spend, in terms of FFP.
  16. If you listen to Nigel Pearsons interview, it does not sound like a deal was agreed
  17. I think we'll accept slightly less. We should hold out for as much as possible. Wouldnt surprise me if he goes in the last couple of days of the window.
  18. Not bizarre if what @Andy082005 says is true and we only offered 1 year. Milwall probably offered a longer contract
  19. Reckon he'll do well and we might regret letting him go. Tho i accept we cant keep him. Not playing wing backs and we have enough cover at right back now
  20. Do you have a connection with City? Lets be real, no one is supporting city for the glory are they ? I'm sure you have more insight into our rivalries that these plastic man utd fans.
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