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Everything posted by Aizoon

  1. He was there to.protect the horses.
  2. It's already littered with brass monkeys' boy parts
  3. They start with the same 3 letters - that's as far as it goes.
  4. Who was it knocked them out before the FL Cup 1st round?
  5. Hard luck, the Gas. An heroic struggle against the mighty Barrow. No disgrace in losing to a team of that class.
  6. Very solid result and a decent mid table position for Christmas. Horace and I are well pleased. I amm I amm - H
  7. No, but I was on each packet of Sea Salt crisps until they replaced me with a younger man. Bastards! I relied on the penny royalty on each packet
  8. Usual dodgy pen for the Gas. Alas they were five goals down by then. TGTKOG
  9. Is Satan's Grotto operational yet? Horace wants to be taken to see it. He loves a good laugh.
  10. Apparently the Gas were all outside because Sheeds had taken over the turnstiles. Me and Horace were among the culprits, so we know
  11. Yes, but you can't see the 30,000 outside
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