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Everything posted by Aizoon

  1. Will no one think of the hedgehogs? No, really
  2. So we can expect frivolous appeals after 6.5 and 20.5 days, funded by other supermarkets and/or the Greens?
  3. Don't forget they were up in arms about Ashton Vale. This isn't just about teams in Bristol and South Glos. This is about the future of football.
  4. Exceptionally good. It was quite reasonably priced, in Tesco of all places. It's recognisably Bowmore, although not as iodiney as usual, and a real delight. Horace likes it too, but only gets it when he's been good. Does wonders for his behaviour
  5. Plea to all football fans - VOTE !! At any election, local or national, VOTE!!! Who for? Anybody but the Greens. They hate football and its fans, and they do their utmost to prevent any stadium developments anywhere. Apart from them, it's your choice but, if you love football, kick out the Greens.
  6. Right. Who's going to volunteer to sabotage havanatopia's alarm clock?
  7. Right. Night, all. Horace and I will share a slug (of Bowmore's excellent Small Batch Reserve) and retire to nest and bed respectively.
  8. Well, his ancestors have. He's only two and a bit, himself. #superfans
  9. JET's that little red dot in the distance, right? Cracking goal - I just hope we can keep him.
  10. I have one, thank you, and it's a happy one tonight. Funny it should happen after my 0-11 post though.
  11. Bloody Radio Bristol! He said they don't often get tweets from hedgehogs. Horace tweets every week
  12. He tweeted SC with his advice and SC passed it on to the players. They listened attentively. He would have posted on here but there might be Vale lurkers
  13. Fans still coming in at kick off so ticketing as smooth as ever...
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