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Everything posted by Robbored

  1. C’on Tom.........Wet ball that’s difficult to grip, short boundaries. Now it’s Kent’s turn in very damp conditions. You never know......
  2. Both Hussain and Ward demonstrated just how wet the ball became when they rolled a dry ball along the grass over 10m......it was soaked and very difficult to grip...
  3. Wet ball and bowlers struggling to grip it, short boundaries all around. Itll be the same for Kent with an even wetter ball when they bowl. That said it is a huge total........
  4. One gasheads reckoned that what was shown wasn’t as raunchy as the Cadbury Flake advert i wonder if he means this one?
  5. England win by an innings and 159 runs. Quite a hammering for the Indians. 2 up in a five match series...
  6. No scars tho! ‘Sticks and stones’ and all that...................
  7. I never was a joke amongst the gasheads. It was the other regulars in the pub who thought it was funny - most of them non football fans. Btw - it’s my role to be a joke on here as I’m the pantomime villain.......I have a role to maintain.
  8. They were blokes I drank with back then and I’d call them mates. We played golf and skittles together and shared a busy social life outside of football. Sadly the guy whose suggested the idea passed away a couple of years ago. Call me bitch all you want Steve. It’s water off a ducks back to me.
  9. I’ve still got scars from the kicking I took at Swindon 40 odd years ago, including a stab wound scar in my right leg.....point is if you get involved in football violence there’s a good chance you’ll get hurt. A similar thing happened to me at Oxford but I don’t hate Oxford...
  10. I did once drive gas head mates to Wembley. They had a whip round n the pub to buy my ticket if I’d drive them up as they all wanted to go on the piss. Everyone thought it was funny that a die hard City fan was driving gasheads up to Wembley. Wembley had just been completed after the rebuild and the Gas match was one of the first to be played there. It was an amazing place buy I can’t remember who the other team was, Bury possibly...........not that it matters. Lots of water under the bridge since then.
  11. Good for you. Im glad to say that I have a much warmer relationship with the gas heads I know. We just take the piss out of each other with no bad feelings either way.
  12. Not really. In all the years 50+ that I’ve been attending AG, I’ve never had a real dislike let alone hatred for the gas. They’re football fans, just as we are but like every club they have a bunch of neantherdals who say and act in dumb and idiotic fashion. Some of our fans are exactly the same. All the furore about burning down stadiums, Holloway chuntering about his dislike for City........all contributes more angst to certain elements of both sets of fans. To me it’s all a bit Stone Age and I like to think that I’m above all that shit. I know several gas heads and we often exchange harmless banter about our respective clubs. I’m always able to take the high morale ground............. I dislike Swindon way more.
  13. I just don’t get why some City fans feel the need to crow when the gas lose. Their result is as inconsequential to me as any other lower league team. There was a time when the gas were in the same league as us but it’s difficult for me to remember when. It seems so long ago............
  14. City played well for first 15mins but that was as good as it got. Having taken the lead they seemed to ease up and allowed Forest to re-establishe themselves in the game. I thought Pato was particularly poor and was delighted to se him replaced. Second half wasn't any better but the gaping hole in City's midfield became more apparent and explains why nothing of any quality was created. Maybe LJ has a strategy of playing two banks of four with the full backs tucked it allowing the opposition the ball out wide. City certainly defended very narrowly today. But.......a draw was about right imv.
  15. Tres said commentary that they practice that type of catch in training..........Obviously pays off!
  16. It was. He is a big bloke tho. Must 6'5' at least. He was fielding near us on the boundary at Bristol. Very agile given his height.
  17. Who knows? Could have been I suppose. Hit the stumps about two inches up...
  18. Great delivery! Slow yorker bowling Gubbins....
  19. Pace bowlers often do take serious tap in T20. Overton isn't the only one.
  20. Off to a good start. A Waller wicket in the first over.
  21. Trego just said that it's a chaseable score but Somerset don't have to rely on 8 overs of spin and that Middlesex didn't get the yorkers in at the death.
  22. Bugger! Got done by the slower ball..............
  23. Can't wait for Agar to come back on..........especially if Trego is still in.
  24. Relegation was never a likelihood but then again neither was winning the CC Championship.......it's all a fix........
  25. Spot on. Test match cricket is the ultimate level. No other form of the game comes close.
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