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Everything posted by Robbored

  1. That is such a tired and old gibe........... Do try to come up with something more original.
  2. A couple of my mates would care because they're gasheads but they so say don't read otib.....
  3. Haven't we got enough to post about our own club? This yet another Gas thread.......ffs.......nobody cares....... z z z z z z z z
  4. Eddie Jones would my choice. I'm sure SL could afford him.......
  5. Having been to every PL game at AG and witnessed the "boys against men" early in the season Bristol are definitely improving. Although they lost to both Bath and Leicester their performances were very competitive in both, they held their own and managed a bonus losing point against two top sides. The knowledgeable guys all around me are a little more optimistic about staying up.
  6. Several posters feel a Brighton win is likely and I can understand why but...I really fancy a 2-2 draw. Im sure we'd all delighted to avoid defeat. So strong is the feeling that 2-2 will be the result I'm off down the bookies a bit later......
  7. The guys made of glass. Gavin "sick note" Henson.
  8. I left early. It was fcking dreadful. I couldn't watch anymore shite. Got home and caught the last few mins of Exeter v Bath on Sky. Now that we a proper game of Premier rugby with Bath 4 points down at the 80mins and they pushed the Chiefs back on got over in the corner after several collapsed scrums. I should have stayed home and watched that..... Bristol had no idea and the guys around me were going nuts at the performance.
  9. For those of us who lost their dad we all know just how you feel Rich. My sympathies to you.
  10. Only just saw your post EMB. You must have a crystal ball because there was a lengthy discussion about Robinson ability to actually win anything. Failed with Scotland and hasn't achieved anything with any team he's coached. Definately some unrest amongst the rugby faithful for sure. Bristol have been hammered in three of the first four PL games and last night they were truly hopeless in the first 20 mins, Now I'm the first to admit that don't know a great deal about the finer points of rugby but even I could see just how great the step up is from the championship to the PL. They were outclassed all over the pitch. Things need to change at Bristol Rugby or it's a return to the Championship in double quick time.
  11. I went. Put a post in stadium matters.
  12. I attended the rugby today at AG. Good atmosphere but poor Bristol got badly beaten. Apparently they were very off the pace and deseved to be well behind at HT - that's according to the guys around me.. The sound system remains shockingly poor. Yet again no-one could hear the announcements- exactly the same as when City are at home. Muffled. Why it's so difficult to fix is one of life's mysteries. Hung around after the game for a pint. Great buzz around the stage with a 14 yr boy playing guitar like a pro. He was whacking out some great classics. Very talented lad.
  13. That's a subjective statement. To me football at the highest level is and art form.
  14. To clarify - I don't understand boxing at all. To me it seems barbaric to beat up the other guy whilst trying to prevent yourself from getting beaten..... And because I don't understand it I don't appreciate the "skill" involved.....
  15. I have no problem with thread! Other posters obviously understand and enjoy boxing but I don't get it..... No idea why you've got a problem with that. This is a forum after all and forums are about discussing your points.
  16. Boxers at any weight all "big" up themselves pre fight. Then they stare at their opponent in some kind of tough act for the benefit of the press at the weight in. All so very predictable...... Then they get to the actual fight and try to hammer the other bloke to the canvas or beat him so much that they win on points. Of course you get real showmen like Ali who become famous all over the world but to me I just don't get the point of trying to beat up the other guy and get paid handsomely for it.
  17. Doing mates a favour. Dont you help your mates out? Assuming you have mates of course....
  18. That's more like it! A sensible reply at last and sums up what I've been trying to get at..........
  19. I to am a life long City supporter as many of us are but as I posted earlier in this thread I have no interest in the Gas or in slagging them off in this forum. Thats not to say that I don't enjoy "debating" with some of the gasheads I know. It's banter and always a laugh. No-one takes it seriously. A mate of mine passed away earlier this year - a dedicted Gashead and season ticket holder at the Mem. He had three sons and one of them did his eulogy at the graveside. He mentioned that his dad had three sons and said "he brought two us the right way" a tongue in cheek remark that his older brother is a City fan.....there was a chuckle at the gravesite. and lots of smiles even on a such a sad day. How anyone can claim to "hate" the gasheads is simply ludicrous in my view.
  20. .......yet another who misses the point. To clarity.....I don't post anything Rovers related on this thread because I'm not interested in A) Rovers B) in slagging them off. I've outgrown all that years ago. Thats not to say i didn't used to rubbish them when I thought it was cool to do it but not these days. Why not? Because I've grown up and realise how ridiculous it is. I wrongly assumed that some others had grown up as well - but obviously not.
  21. I can't imagine he forgives and forgets.
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