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The Coach

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Everything posted by The Coach

  1. Nice to see us doing business early for once
  2. John Rougier. Antony and Tony had another brother.
  3. No issue with me. That will be our target again in my eyes, to avoid relegation. Do that, and I think come 23/24 season we can start to aim higher.
  4. If I was Tammy. I’d stay in Roma the next 3 years. Don’t be too eager to jump back into the PL. Look at Lukaku
  5. Mark Ashton banned from all footballing endeavours
  6. Cheers CoD for the decent debut against Wigan. Apart from that...nothing else memorable.
  7. Was quite proud when I stated all this. Just realised that's 3 generations of football misery... Believe I'm a 5th generation City fan. Have a family member who played for the club in the early 20th century with Fatty Wedlock.
  8. Bristol City Bristol City Bristol City Bristol City Bristol City
  9. I recall this season Soccer Saturday had Cameron Jerome covering a game. Bloke looked like he had a gun pointed at his head the entire time. Looked so uninterested, hardly analysed the game and was almost like he was forced to be there! Don’t think he’s been back on since.
  10. Thanks all for the posts on here. Really great to see people talk and support each other. So perhaps I should give it a go. I was in contact with one poster late 2021 as we were going through some tough patches together and kept each other how things were going. By this time, I met someone new and thought she was amazing in every single way. Turned out she is/was a very big liar and extremely dishonest. I did everything for her in every good way possible. Even when she was down in December, I was always there (even though her negative mindset and behaviour brought me down during this period). Slowly realised after we broke up she's a narcissist, thinks all men are see you next Tuesdays. While blaming everyone else for everything bad that has happened in her life. A pure victims mentality 24/7. I won't bore everyone with the full story. But even though she's not a very nice person and toxic. It's been 4 months since we broke up and part of me still misses her and wishes we were back together (bearing in mind my family and friends were extremely relieved we broke up and her family and friends were devastated). I've also made the mistake this week of writing and posting a card to her hoping she is all ok, and life is going well. While thanking her for the good times and sharing some of the good memories we have. I feel pretty stupid now and I guess the reason I posted this card in the post box was in hope of some form of response. Yet, I am the one who did no wrong in the relationship. Feel quite embarrassed by the time I wasted on her and the fact of sending a card this week.
  11. think Tommy has had enough of those himself
  12. Diaz could go on and get better than Salah and Mane. Sheer quality
  13. Wouldn’t surprise me if he ends up at Liverpool next summer. Perfect fit for him under Klopp
  14. Benzema is the boy. One of the best
  15. Passport Office must read OTIB. Just got the email now they've received my old passport. After almost two and a half weeks!
  16. Sent my old passport off via post box (maybe a mistake) portal saying still waiting to receive old passport. Tried ringing and web chat last couple days. Getting nowhere. Constantly busy and phone gets disconnected as they are so busy!
  17. I had this convo with a mate the other day. Both agreed peak age now is around 30-31 due to modern day methods and fitness.
  18. Those are the players you want to stay and build around. Which realistically, will not due to their quality. It's the natural cycle. The players I've highlighted are the deadwood, and ones not good enough. Which are the ones you ideally want out the door first. This is what I feel NP is alluding to. We know who needs to go, but there will not be any serious interest for clubs to purchase these players at a cost.
  19. I’m not surprised. Cannot see many clubs lining up bids for likes of Palmer, Wells, Vyner, Kalas and a few others.
  20. With Burnley home to Wolves and Everton away to Liverpool. Have to start wondering if Burnley can do the great escape.
  21. I think all 3 will go. One to sort FFP, the other two to reinvest back in the team. Wouldn’t want to lose them, but it’s for the greater good.
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