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Shaun Taylor

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Everything posted by Shaun Taylor

  1. I think you're pretty spot on with your assessment
  2. It's another one of Powers companies where he stores money! Don't forget this guy is very evasive and knows how to move things around
  3. The problem with Powers statement it dosen't say what's caused the delay and why the money hasn't been transferred and what potential skeletons Clems Lawyers may have found during their due diligence.
  4. 3 leagues we're be lower than Swindon Supermarine! I know you hate us but you can't deny you enjoy the fun when you play us so surely you wouldn't want that experience gone forever!
  5. Junior Bent now that's an old name I haven't heard for years super quick but like a lot of small pacey wingers often fail to deliver a decent cross into the box
  6. First and foremost most of all I'm a football supporter who doesn't want to see any club fold and have supported them since the mid 70's so they've been a large part of my life. I've been to numerous Swindon v Bristol City games both home and away and love the rivalry, banter and Derby experience and have had many good days at Ashton Gate when you were in the old league one 76-80. I get why many would want us out of the football league but I'm sure many older BCFC fans have their own memories and stories to tell after games against us as there's always been an edge without the hostility of say a Cardiff City.
  7. I'll still support them though and it's better to have history than be like a MK Plastic or even a Gas!
  8. I wish you owned it now?
  9. Can't blame him he has a young family and no doubt big mortgage etc and hasn't been paid.
  10. Put us out of our misery ?
  11. I can't argue It's looking bleak !
  12. New chairman to take over by Thursday
  13. I used to see Melinda Messenger out in Old Town in The early 90's and she scrubbed up well
  14. Stop it you're embarrassing me now! Kick that silly idea into touch now just like when it was mentioned in 2012. lots of green spaces parks etc, lots of new houses to choose from on the outside of the town, plenty of jobs irrespective if Honda closing, population close to a quarter of a million but a dump in and around the Town centre. City status no way but then again Newport has it so you never know.
  15. Billie Piper, Julian Clary, Mark Lamarr......it gets worse?
  16. The frolics started way before 2014 87/88 was when the real fun started under Brian Hillier & Lou Macari?
  17. Yes well spotted! re-sign ?
  18. Rumours are that John McGreal will re-sign as Swindon Manager on Thursday once the new owner takes over
  19. Many thanks for sharing that's the first time I have seen that footage and much appreciated.
  20. I. Was too young to remember 1969 /70 but that was the days when football was a level playing field financially and even in the old division 3 we were getting over 20000 for league games as football had really taken off around the country. Many thanks for the recognition as beating the mighty Arsenal in front of 100.000 at Wembley was no mean feat and sadly our of reach for most of us teams nowadays
  21. That would be nice then we could swap cup final memories
  22. But still a fantastic achievement and can never be taken away
  23. I guess the 1969 league cup will be lonely for a while but at least it still there in history
  24. No idea at the moment as we thought he had sold his share but the problem is he has so much debt rumoured to be 13 million and court cases pending its hard to know. https://theswindonian.co.uk/sport/stfc/power-to-sell-club-to-clem-morfuni/?fbclid=IwAR3vLVkD3_GuOP_XdPODpbbIXU5XGWmc_FpOE3X5FQ9M60b0W_RspRjNEzE t
  25. Good post and spot on with what you have written. We have a crook in charge who dosen't give a sh*t about the club and will send us out of business before he sells up
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