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Banjo Red

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Everything posted by Banjo Red

  1. Thought the same thing 47 but I'm sure could do a better job in defence than some of our players.
  2. No one ever wants a manager to fail, he just isn't getting enough out of them lose Saturday and sadly I think his time is up.
  3. Square pegs in round holes would be the best way to describe the club at the moment. Pearson working with what he has got, small squad tactics and subs questionable and frustrating to coin a phrase.
  4. Well how the hell did we get a point there. We got absolutely battered, max saved us today.
  5. Players get yellows and reds, managers get sent to the stands. When will the refs start getting punished for sub standard performances. Considering we had an apology letter from the Hull game earlier in the season for poor officiating.
  6. Coventry now under a transfer embargo plus if home matches played at another stadium potential points or suspended points deduction.
  7. Prefer him to dasilva he loves a tackle.
  8. Deflected goal yesterday, if we show that sort of intensity regularly we will smash someone sooner of later.
  9. We need an old school knuckle dragger big orrible bastard smashing people.
  10. Better than that other knobber
  11. Beaten again the desire and decision making questionable again!!
  12. To be fair the missus heard his post match from Wednesday and thought he was a miserable ****** and we won.
  13. Weak and lack leadership it's very concerning how we get rolled over too easily.
  14. We take 2 steps forward and 5 back, no consistency and fight, we get bullied too easy.
  15. Agreed we can't find continuity the defence and midfield are very weak areas in the team.
  16. We can't have a big squad, as nige doesn't like them and we can't afford it. A few injuries here and there and here we are. Long season a head.
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