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Banjo Red

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Everything posted by Banjo Red

  1. Shame it didn't work out but onwards and upwards.
  2. Happy banana's now let's get that defensive midfielder sorted.
  3. Another one of Swiss Tony's deals off the books.
  4. Great business 3 through the door who next?
  5. Alex Neill doing what others could not??
  6. 4 year deal his agent must be awesome.
  7. Salty as it looks like a few of their players want out.
  8. 2 lucky goals first deflected off someones shin into his path to shoot. Second bundled in could have gone anywhere No need to stress onwards to next season.
  9. Forest Green beat the gas and everyone else wins next week playoffs for them then it's a lottery
  10. On holiday at the moment just looked at the scuffle again did Joe Allen chuck a punch, could he get a ban?
  11. Sorry I thought it was league 1.
  12. Nowhere near as good as he was for Coventry but that was league 1.
  13. Their silence speaks volumes no real interest anymore, years ago you couldn't keep Steve away from the media side of things.
  14. Get Swiss Tony to buy our dross, job lot £20 million cash in hand.
  15. If he was that good he wouldn't be here.
  16. It seems that way very quiet aren't they.
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