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Banjo Red

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Everything posted by Banjo Red

  1. It seriously needs a shake up in the summer we can't continue like this.
  2. Great player but not reliable time to cut losses I'm afraid.
  3. Did they not get the get the memo about trying in the last 9 games.
  4. Happy with that pass like Xavi finish like Messi boom.
  5. **** that boring and safe would be better.
  6. It's looking like both you can't play a striker as fullback
  7. Not necessarily who played today in general. Moore,Wells,Palmer,Vyner,Simpson and maybe others defensively we need strengthening big time.
  8. He still has deadwood to shift before we can even look at new players.
  9. I'm beginning to question Pearson, but let's look at it another way I assume you work if you are shit at your job you get a bollocking. You can coach and train players all you want if it doesn't go in there is clearly an issue with understanding the fundamentals of basic tactics.
  10. Got to say is it Pearson is it the players I haven't got a bloody clue
  11. Can't argue with that he is clearly as frustrated as we all are, he knows they are capable of so much more.
  12. Has anyone seen Pearson's post match interview I can't find it anywhere nothing on website.
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