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Banjo Red

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Everything posted by Banjo Red

  1. Only said this to a mate recently the TV money should filter down to all clubs not just for the big boys.
  2. Practically urging Fulham to score 7 they love the ex prem teams.
  3. You are entitled to your opinion and I respect that, I'm trying to not be on a downer after a difficult afternoon.
  4. Just right this one off and kick on next game they are ex prem and you can't compete with that.
  5. Bear in mind they put 7 past Blackburn and Reading.
  6. Standard of ref in our league is shocking end of.
  7. Vyner shouldn't be anywhere near the team powderpuff.
  8. With all this in mind surely some of our players will be sold if values are met to help balance the books. It just shows and I know it's opening old wounds Lansdown Sr took his eye off the prize and here we are it isn't just a squad rebuild its the ethos of the club too.
  9. Lots to be positive about our general play was a lot better. Shame about the goal and our finishing but as I say there was a huge improvement in the movement and how we acquitted ourselves.
  10. After the awful referee performance against us vs Qpr it appears Nige's comments are being looked at. https://www.facebook.com/221433727957579/posts/4225172160917029/
  11. Get in can someone help me out who was the last player to a hat trick I can't remember.
  12. File a official complaint against him the fa are quick enough to condemn players fans and managers.
  13. Ref was a joke plus our lack of putting the ball in the net when on top, add the sending off sums it up really.
  14. Now you say it that way I agree.
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