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Banjo Red

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Everything posted by Banjo Red

  1. Cannot possibly book an ex prem teams player the love in continues.
  2. That is the quote to end all quotes.
  3. Great win battling performance bodies on the line love it.
  4. Still feel bad for the bloke who wouldn't jump at the chance to manage BCFC. Got shit on by that slimy brummie manual manipulator.
  5. I said in a previous post he is making individual errors that is costing us goals.
  6. One is too lightweight and the other goes missing.
  7. That's two now he made an awful clearance against Coventry for their second.
  8. We clearly need a striker in January got to be putting teams to bed when on top.
  9. Unfortunately like with any footballer a move just doesn't work out or they are just not up to scratch. Maybe attitude is a big factor I like Nige's ruthless side it has been too cosy for too long.
  10. You would think so the system is very suspect.
  11. Hope they get promoted screw Derby. Was going to ask the same thing due to Carroll signing for them.
  12. Con job another one cooking the books.
  13. Financially we are in a hole simples.
  14. So correct me if I'm wrong has anyone seen this high energy exciting football yet? Nige is ill unfortunately and we all wish him a speedy recovery personally. But for the club we need to be a bit selfish we need someone in at the helm 24/7 at the moment as things clearly aren't working on the training pitch. Recruitment side of things working with what we got there won't be much cash to splash. Richard Gould seems very good at his role but I'm not sure asking about the current playing situation to him is going to get us any answers anytime soon. Short answer tough times ahead.
  15. Weak mentally and physically.
  16. Just seen the post match Flemming looked pissed and quite rightly so he used the word desire or lack of to describe that performance.
  17. Jerry cottles circus of bottle job wasters.
  18. That's why I'm asking I haven't got a clue.
  19. Cowards and glad handed the lot of them. There are 1000s of footballers out there who would jump at the chance to be a pro and would have more heart than this lot.
  20. The media team are awful all these attempt to feel good videos wins from past years etc, **** the past let's concentrate on the now which is dire.
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