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Ska Junkie

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Everything posted by Ska Junkie

  1. Freebird - Lynard skynard. CHOON!
  2. Borstal breakout - 'The mighty' Sham 69.
  3. I do like the fact that they may have to wait until Wimbledon finishes to get their new tent! As for the 'drive past Trashton everyday', jealously is not a good trait. It does appear that some of them are realising their tinpotedness though.
  4. Dear god, are they trying to kill us with laughter? Another bloody tent?? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/12231/new-tent-confirmed-oh-sts 'Coming for us' mind!
  5. It would appear the ex chief methane snorter Skeletor has been sacked by QPR and replaced by Schteeve McClaren.
  6. At least we can safely see the 'gap' into adulthood eh?
  7. The power of thought and hey presto, some bugger burnt their (rented) stand down!
  8. Piss off! I don't want some filthy methane snorting piece of crap sitting in my seat! They would just stand there, bewildered by this red thing that hinges up and down and have no idea what to do with it. To be fair, it's probably better than the box they sit on at home! As for what they would make of the concourses??
  9. Thankfully not JP! I see one of theirs realises there really Is only OTIB. 'Our fans are always fantastic. We are the envy of a lot of clubs, especially with our away following. Really proud to be a Gashead. There is only ever one sensible choice when you are from Bristol.' That sensible choice being Ashton Gate and Bristol's far bigger and more successful club. It's a total no-brainer to be fair yet their 'self congratulation' knows no bounds. Why on earth would anyone follow that shower of crap rather than us?
  10. Memorial 'stadium' capacity - 12,011 including 3,000 seats. Lansdown stand capacity - ~11,000 including ~11,000 seats Not much in it and our 1 stand would be far higher if they had to go all-seater. even at 2 to 1 (I think it's more like 3 to 1), their capacity would be down to 8,506. ((12011-3000) / 2) +3000= 8,506. Yes, our 1 stand is bigger than their entire 'ground'
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