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Ska Junkie

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Everything posted by Ska Junkie

  1. 10 hole? I'd pass out being bent over long enough to put them on nowadays!
  2. I've little time for Cardiff but that pales into insignificance where the gas are concerned. I despise everything about that crappy little club! Surely it's a generation thing as we never play them anymore but the feeling before a Bristol Derby is both incredible and horrible.
  3. 74 for me, used to be 82 but moves, clubs dropping out / new ones coming in did for me. Following us all the way down and back up, like many others pushed the number quite high. I would love to finish it but sometimes struggle with motivation to go to home games so not many away days is the order of the day now. Been to 4 this season already though.
  4. Annis' cameo as attacking Central mid last week certainly warranted thought but sticking him wide left clearly doesn't work. 2 of TGH / James / Williams/ Naismith with Knight in the attacking role would seem to be our strongest option. TC was so isolated today, I felt for the lad. Food for thought for Liam!
  5. I haven't read the thread so here's my opinion on today. No blame on Manning atall but that was a dreadful game. The only positive for me was when Knight was moved forward and TGH sat in beside James. Annis is not a Championship winger but may do more centrally. As for the rest of the game, instantly forgettable. Hopefully better to come plus we didn't lose.
  6. I've a feeling his cameo in the middle might be the way forward for Annis.
  7. Nah, Colin Daniel at the mem with a rovers shirt!
  8. Had one a few years ago and had the badges changed to red and white. Best £40 I spent in a while. The car (318i) was a heap of crap though
  9. I reckon he looks like Luke Donald.
  10. More bitterness... Saying that I believe we are just as attractive if not more so than Bristol City at this current moment. Mental game, being run by VAR.
  11. Surely any HC would have input on any new signing?
  12. 'Always be a midtable Championship club'? I don't agree with that for a start. Underperformed, certainly but who's to say we can't reach the Prem under Manning? As for 'precious', LOOL!
  13. I wouldn't do that, apart from the gas and find it unnecessary
  14. Slagging us off when we are clearly ahead of them? Maybe, just maybe, Manning is the man to break the cycle and we are able to usurp them?
  15. Do we think the 'nest egg' or part of it will be available to our new HC?
  16. I just found it unnecessary from a club which is clearly smaller.
  17. After reading this from a supporter of the massive Oxford (?), I hope we get him and they crash and burn....
  18. I'm staying at home I'm staying at home I'll give up Ska is staying home.
  19. Just had a read of the Oxford forum and, apart from hating us and saying we're not a bigger club, they are absolutely gutted. Must be a good thing surely?
  20. I wonder if we will go back in for Brannigan, IF we do get Manning?
  21. What's happened that some are suddenly convinced it's Manning?
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