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Ska Junkie

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Everything posted by Ska Junkie

  1. Agreed no1, tough gig for anyone now and it won't be their fault.
  2. I've no issue with the new incumbent, whoever that may be, it's not their fault that City have ****** Nige over. The board however..... Sad, sad day.
  3. Another one wishing Nige and his family the best of luck and good health. Thank you Nigel, a brilliant job done Sir. Remember the 'it's my club' comment.
  4. Kinell Stu, got me worried now. Sod that!
  5. What in the name of all that's holy is that?
  6. When I read that, I thought it was one of ours on a wind up.
  7. Who are they realistically gonna get that's 'much better'? They're a lower league 1 club ffs. What's Keith Curle up to nowadays?
  8. I reckon the seas are purple and trees grow downwards on that pricks planet. Total arsehole!
  9. I really hope not. 1. He's a bloody good Manager. 2. It would seriously blot his copybook as a hero in BS3. Please no.
  10. My question would be 'why is this, health permitting' even being considered? It's a total no-brainer.'
  11. At least SL would be able to see all the newish red seats in his shiny newish stadium 🏟 #EXODUS
  12. He's got a song hasn't he? We've got super Nigel Pearson He knows exactly what we need ETC ETC
  13. Absolutely spot on! Health not withstanding it's a no brainer. Nice post SCR.
  14. I don't agree it would be different CR2. I would like to think the vast majority of our fellow supporters understand and appreciate the job Nige has done thus far. A defeat wouldn't change that opinion IMHO.
  15. The forever Bristol city podcast discuss the situation from 30 minutes onwards. It's a decent listen in all honesty. KEEP ON FIGHTING MARTIN AMOS
  16. I see there are rumours around about Gary Rowett, does anyone have any idea of their accuracy? Nothing against Rowett but I would prefer Nige. KEEP ON FIGHTING MARTIN AMOS
  17. I've got no issue with differing viewpoints at all Sir G, all have and are more rhan welcome to them. I don't see why we cannot discuss them though. KEEP ON FIGHTING MARTIN AMOS
  18. Absolutely no issues with that at all TR as I said, I was just wondering what their thoughts were? If we all had the same opinions, it would be pretty boring and this is a discussion forum after all. Apologies if my question offends, it most certainly wasn't meant to. KEEP ON FIGHTING MARTIN AMOS
  19. Apart from Burton, obviously and erm..... whoever else they've played away this season.
  20. We all know SL's reaction to criticism albeit not direct. This isn't going to end well sadly. Cue a 'my club' type comment. I wouldn't be surprised to see Nige gone within a couple of weeks as he's questioned his highness publicly. How did we get to this? Best Manager in eons as well. KEEP ON FIGHTING MARTIN AMOS!!
  21. Who said 'no'? Please explain your thinking. Not having a pop just don't understand why this is even a point for discussion.
  22. Must have been via zoom as isn't he in Bermuda spending daddies inheritance?
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