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Ska Junkie

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Everything posted by Ska Junkie

  1. Mark Ashton! Decent first half and I have a feeling this is set up for a TC master-class.
  2. Restart the app, clear the cache and, if it's still buffering, reboot the router mate. I did mine this morning and it's been perfect.
  3. Rutter does a Rhosental, my nan would have scored and she's passed 30 years. Shocking miss!
  4. I thought it was a strong pen shout as well. Good start by our boys.
  5. You need to sort that wall out dad!
  6. Gas fan needing medical assistance, all joking aside let's hope they're OK.
  7. How the hell was that a straight red for the Oxford player? The ref has seriously lost the plot here.
  8. Decent finish by the sag, should have been a free kick to Oxford though.
  9. Take a point all day long from Leeds away. Our record there is dreadful.
  10. Is it just me or is this really slow?
  11. How is Barton still in their job? His record is shocking!
  12. IF it's possible ( I don't know if it is), I'll bet it's been thought about by both sides, probably not discussed though.
  13. Could Ireland v Scotland be 'contrived' to put the Boks out?
  14. Some of us care! Actually, I don't, English and proud. I have been there a few times mind. #DUALCITIZENSHIP
  15. Me too CJ, me too. I hope you're well Sir.
  16. Crikey. Let's hope none of the home nations have to play in Argentina? Imagine their idiots if we had to play there?
  17. https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/soccer?iso=20001028T1645&p0=299&msg=City+above+Rovers&font=cursive Still going then? BIG number now. 23 years in a couple of weeks. OTIB
  18. I'm not gonna be able to sleep now!
  19. Now TC's back, the real Bristol City can get going, fitness permitting obviously. He's a special talent, reminds me of a young Shearer as well.
  20. He must be close to the sack with his record? It's beyond crap! Add to that, the fact he's an odious little bully plus a disgrace to the human race and surely he's on borrowed time?
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