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Mr Hankey

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Everything posted by Mr Hankey

  1. Southgate deserves the world cup due to credit from previous tournaments (even though we should never of lost to Italy) but **** me, what a crap coach he is.
  2. Well this will piss off a lot of people who think the club would be nothing without the Lansdowns….
  3. Oh believe me, i think hes way better than Vyner! Just dont think either are good enough to be regulars in the championship. Being one of our better players this season isn’t saying a great deal either, lets be honest!
  4. Cam Pring - the 24 year old who plays, & is treated like, a 19 year old prospect. Need to sort that defence out majorly in the summer, got a half decent team going apart from the back. Pring, Vyner ect need majorly upgrading (not that im blaming Vyner today).
  5. Not sure what the question is, but O’leary certainly aint the answer. Doesn’t seem to have improved from his last spell as number 1 going back 3 years.
  6. No sympathy for what he does & the inevitable giant turd of a mess he will leave at Ipswich, proper odd fanbase them lot.
  7. Teams dont survive in this division playing that many academy players! Whilst it may look great to some, i really cannot see us surviving with that lineup. Hoping to be proven extremely wrong of course!
  8. Think the poster is well within his rights to ask this question, despite the rest of their agenda. Whilst i was onboard with his signing in the summer, questions must now be asked. Its a steaming hot pile of a shitshow currently.
  9. Chicken fondler Crispy skin spaz’s
  10. Struggling to get my head around the comments of “glad we have Lansdown”, “shows how lucky we are to have him”……is that really the takeaway from this, or am i living in a parody world? These losses have come under his watch & long term ownership, regardless of the covid situation, we would still be making monumentous losses ?
  11. A 10 year old kid threw a couple of emply plastic (PLASTIC!!!) bottles & you lot act like it was the blitz? Christ alive, get over yourselves ffs. Fanny mentality, god help us, your great grandad didnt die for this shite.
  12. Can’t see them stopping the season again, most likely have a few postponements here & there, but another full shutdown will kill so many clubs, just can’t see it happening.
  13. As mentioned by @Red-Robbo, it wouldn’t likely be stated on the cert as the leading cause of death, but neither would “got run over by bus”! Would be worded differently, but there is evey chance it would be counted by the governments figures. There are usually more than one cause of death on the certificates which are listed in bullet points. Sometimes covid is listed amongst other ailments much more serious, which you know would have been the cause of death regardless of whether they had the infection or not. That is what grates me. But don’t get me twisted, i am very much in favour of getting the vaccine, but at the same time i do think it should be a personal choice. Believe it or not, i am currently trying to get in touch with the NHS as they are not recording my second vaccine, despite getting it in September! All in all, world is a shit show & it aint getting better anytime soon ?
  14. I deal with Death Certificates every day, & some of the cases that are put down as covid-19 are baffling to say the least….not that i am agreeing with any conspiracy ect, because trust me i am not, i am fully aware that covid exists & is killing people & we should have the vaccine, but the records/stats on deaths can be misleading.
  15. Probably the same fans who rated Ryan Taylor & said Kelechi Iheanacho wouldn’t be good enough for us.
  16. I’m double jabbed but according to the NHS i have only ever received 1 vaccine, they havent bothered recording the second despite getting it from UWE once the Ashton Gate service shut down, been trying for 3 months to get this sorted but nobody wants to know, interested to know if anyone else is in the same boat? No idea what i am meant to do come matchday.
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