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Banjo Island

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Posts posted by Banjo Island

  1. 35 minutes ago, Nogbad the Bad said:

    Went to Vicky's a few times - most memorably to finish off my stag night pub crawl.

    Well, actually I don't remember that much about it!

    Always an unusual woman taking money at the door iirc, she must have been in her '70's with long hair dyed black - always wondered if it was Vicky herself?

    She was the star turn most night noggers

    • Haha 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Roger Red Hat said:

    Definitely a cut above anything else in Bristol at that time.

     I have to say rog our lots ideal of a good night out was a few pints in cannons then over to the sedan chair topless barmaids in stockings and suspenders vickys strip joint and the mandrake to finish god job we were bolloxed before we got vickys ????

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, Roger Red Hat said:

    Mandrake was on Frogmore street. I managed to get a membership as I knew someone. Always queues to get in if you weren't a member back in the 70's. Great little club.

    Thats right rog knock the door and our mate would look out through the peephole if he didnt like the look of you it was a no but if you were lucky enough to get in it was packed and the stench of weed was overpowering ????

  4. 19 minutes ago, The Constant Rabbit said:

    Vickys - The one on the way to Clifton (Off Whiteladies Rd) ?

    If so, always remember the old bouncer geezer looking out through the porthole in the door before they let you in!

    Mod / Scooter Boy Friday night special,last stop with the Clifton Redland lot after a pub crawl in the mid eighties

    One of the strippers took me home after the club closed one Friday. For free!  Happy days!

    Ah memories of youth!


    Remember the Rasta reggae club on Park Lane? You were stoned in 5 minutes of going in!

    It was halfway up park street on the right hand side down steps to a dimly lit dingy smoke filled basement lovely or if you wanted something a bit more upmarket there was the princess theatre club at the top of park street on the right your reggae club sounds like the mandrake?? Great time thou mate for sure

    • Like 1
  5. 45 minutes ago, Roger Red Hat said:

    I remember the Hofbrauhaus. I also remember coming out of it after a pretty heavy night on the foaming beer, hitting the fresh night air, and falling over! I didn't go there anymore.

    Was in there one saturday night when a rousing chourus of bread of heaven rang out to be met by a volly of steins in the direction of the large welsh contingent a mass brawl ensued splling out on to the street  after that it was onto vickys strip club fatastic times to be a teenager

    • Like 4
  6. 20 hours ago, slartibartfast said:

    No, pretty sure he was a free.  Just noticed the load of City in the south enclosure, I was with loads in the north (Harold) enclosure !

    Me to with all my banjo gas buddies i was told to not celebrate any goals one nasty indivudual said hed smash my teeth down the back of me throat what a night

    • Haha 1
  7. Tisdale would be a great fit for them the blue few would lap up the foolish outfits this guy wears cravats trilby hats peaky blinder caps he looks a total tit they would love it wearing that gear you might just about get away with it if your winning but go on a loosing run and your gona look pretty foolish

  8. 3 hours ago, cidercity said:

    Oh my God, i hope Bristol Rovers eventually build a stadium better than Wimbledon's new one. A stadium similar to Sunderland's would be ideal. One can always dream.

    Right, who on here has managed to register on sagchat and sneak this beauty past the mods and how did you not get banned instantly.

    If its genuine..........

    Sunderlands is ok but surely with our fanbase and waels money we should be looking to build something like spurs new stadium as a minimum

    • Haha 2
  9. 6 hours ago, BCFC11 said:

    Little snippet taken from BP from earlier this week....

    Monday's training session will be held in the early afternoon, but the club – which has security staff on site – has urged supporters to stay away to protect the players' bubble.

    They actually put security on site at their new ‘training ground’ just incase any of their dribbling moron followers showed up wanting to catch a glimpse of a couple of pitches and the physio’s portacabin ???

    Now here’s a proper training ground (that is actually being completed) 

    Enjoy Sags


    Also hoping to catch a glimpse of their STAR PLAYERS and MARQUE singins 

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