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Everything posted by DolmanGaz

  1. messi would get it due to more assists, i THINK
  2. didn't know how i felt about this final til that was given. I actually want argentina to win it. what a great final, a rarity!!!
  3. ok, BBC replay, French chap does get the ball. but NEVER a booking!!
  4. still don't understand why not a pen to morocco... rewound it several times.
  5. So, after a third Argie goal, back to England, as I can't get excited about this match now... what happened against France makes me just angry and disappointed about the 2020 final v Italy. THAT was our chance, despite the England team, squad, manager, tactics, etc, being better in 2022, we had such an easy run to the final in the Euro's, against an aging Italy team, and even took the lead. THAT is why I think Southgate has to go. He messed up the best chance this squad will ever get. France will be stronger in 2024...
  6. quite enjoy the ol' pen shootout when it's not my team involved!!!
  7. Come on Holland (and the rest of the Netherlands) - do a goal!
  8. there is no such country as 'Holland' never has been! rant over!!!
  9. you're expecting honest, reasoned commentary from BBC pundits??? why don't they call out Brazil for their diving and play acting
  10. it may make no sense to you or me, but it wouldn't surprise me if Neymar wanted the glory of scoring the winning penalty so going last. he certainly wouldn't be the first to do so... Salah done the same for Egypt
  11. really enjoyed that, have such love for Croatia as a country. no more Wales and Brazil love-ins from the pundits!!! first decent team they faced and they were found out. Just shows Portugal, England, etc, won't really know how good they are until they play top opposition. interesting 3 games ahead now... Neymar - FFS, take the first or second pen!!
  12. obvious caveats but good lord... LOVING this world cup
  13. YEEEEES! As Alan Partridge once said, that's a goal! cash back. back of the net. etc etc
  14. but isn't producing that moment of magic on the biggest stage the whole point??
  15. I had watched this game intently for almost 110 minutes. then opened a huge bag of crisps to accompany my wine. proceeded to spill crisps over me, the sofa, the floor, disaster. whilst trying to clear it up and salvage my snacks, Brazil scored. missed it completely. FFS. **** my life, this is 2022 in 2 minutes haha
  16. I've seen it at several games, they spot it and ignore it. Must be a directive or FIFA decision as not seen a single instance when somebody is booked for it, and seen LOTS of games where ref's have spotted it and waved play on...
  17. getting fed up of the S American diving and play acting now. am 100% Croatia now!! still not a single shot on target though, pens or nothing if they're getting through!!!
  18. also, did I miss the FIFA directive that encourages play acting and diving, and if the ref spots it, you are no longer at risk of a booking? terrible dive then, ref did well to spot it and wave play on, but why no booking? making me shout at the telly!!!
  19. i underestimated Croatia, more fool me, but their keeper is playing a blinder too!
  20. I fancy Netherlands to edge past Argentina in a high scoring classic, but think Brazil will have too much for Croatia. Not fussed who gets through today, just looking forward to, hopefully, two good games. Hoping Croatia can at least give Brazil a game!! Just need to try and get my work for the week done by 3!!
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