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Everything posted by Jerseybean

  1. Tammy we love you, please let's thank him by pushing on to claim all three points
  2. Thank you Hav for an entertaining and educational start to my day. Good day City fans everywhere I fancy we will win 2-1 today although 2-2 (as SP mentions) might indeed be the outcome. Whatever the score I salute all the City travelling support and hope the team play really, really well and give 100% - can not ask for anymore than that. COYR!
  3. Pack up your troubles - anybody want to buy some nearly new worry beads!?
  4. Good day Major Excellent combination, how many of these do you want? I think they carry a lifetime guarantee.
  5. Be following the game from Rhodes, just off to get a set of worry beads, perhaps I should get a job lot, reckon they'd sell like hot cakes in the City shop. Found the perfect ones, in our colours. COYR
  6. Talking Bout a Revolution - T Chapman
  7. Half time and I need something more than a cup of tea, I'd settle right now for all the scores staying the same except for Forest who we want to lose
  8. GOB I'm not suggesting any fault whatsoever with City fans, they have been superb, merely suggesting we still have a huge part to play.
  9. Despite everything it's now very much the time for supporters to support and fans to be fantastic. As all City fans know this is a life-long commitment that brings with it every known emotion, even occasional pleasure. It may be counter-intuitive and extremely difficult to show great vocal support but in situations like the one we are in the fans can make a real difference. COYR
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