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Everything posted by Bianconeri

  1. Not pointing the finger at you at all sport, it's good to have a sag who doesn't resort to tribal rhetoric. If I was in the blue camp I'd be worried about the consequences of who disclosed Taylor's contract either by telling us or putting it in the public domain IF it happened. That's why they'll not formalise any complaint.
  2. Ah, so a 'convenient deal' that involves a bit of insider knowledge is a good thing when it benefits MoronFC but a legitimate deal where insider knowledge may have been disclosed by one of the parties to the cintract is cause to gomwhining to the FA?
  3. Never mind if we've broken any rules, there ought to be some sags nervously awaiting 6am knocks on the door by plod after the vitriol and threats they've posted publicly.
  4. That stand is better than anything at the Whorefield Wreck
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