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TedsHeadIs Red

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Everything posted by TedsHeadIs Red

  1. This must be an early front runner for Weirdest Thread of 2023
  2. Probably been mentioned before but any chance this could be limited to being the ‘match’ thread and have a separate ‘I’m having technical problems with my laptop and the link doesn’t work’ thread?
  3. Both an excellent commentator and TV presenter. Not many of those around.
  4. Absolutely. Tickets will be priced at what they can be sold at. It’s called supply and demand. Simples. The club has to survive in the real world.
  5. They knew what to expect but can’t resist an opportunity to moan.
  6. Boo to the Gas (I just wanted to appear on page 3000)
  7. Although he didn’t move to another club, the ‘departure’ of Cheese through injury has to be one of the biggest disasters for City.
  8. Didn’t they lose to Stoke in the final? Can’t be bothered to look it up.
  9. If we were in the top 6 of the PL this forum would have tumbleweed blowing through it because we would all be so happy. Nothing to discuss. Personally I’d prefer an edgy, whingey, cynical forum so let’s keep any football success to a minimum please.
  10. Your “friend” isn’t very clever is he? Before the Lansdowns (1980s onwards) we were broadly a third tier club with an awkward stadium (however much affection people felt for it). Since the Lansdowns we are an established second tier club with a superb stadium and facilities. You can’t separate the infrastructure from the football as easily as you suggest. They come as a package e.g. attracting players to sign for us.
  11. I’ll begin by saying that in football there are only beginnings and ends. People no longer have patience for ends of beginnings. Nige’s interviews suggests he thinks we are still beginning. But after tonight it could be the end. Or the beginning of the end. I’ll end it there. Are you still with me?
  12. Basically you are asking for a list of expensive but underperforming cars
  13. What about Bristol City Oddballs Mens Underpants?
  14. Very true. So easy for those with the wisdom of hindsight to criticise those with only the lottery of foresight.
  15. There were probably old men in Ancient Greece saying the same thing. Always the young ‘uns to blame.
  16. Someone using “Lee Johnson” and “successful” in the same post on here. Get yer tin hat on mate.
  17. Never quite understand why it’s referred to as egg chasing. When I look at an egg I almost never think of a rugby ball.
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