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The turtle

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Everything posted by The turtle

  1. Once said something negative about England, the anybody but line. Bla bla bla And that was it game over. As always we want refreshing honestly, get it and cue the Lifetime dislike.
  2. The very match that frustrated them. The club were said to be deeply unimpressed with the state of the pitch following that game. This came up because on sky they were saying how unusual it is to see such a poor pitch in the premier league, then went on to talk about how Brentford had stated they weren't happy either. N.B. I've looked on the mighty Google and not a mention of it, so make of that what you will.
  3. They (the club) are seriously annoyed about the state of the pitch Though
  4. I thought it came through on tv really clearly
  5. Really made a difference. On bctv the ground was rocking from the start. It was loud, haven't heard it like that for a while. Seemed like the ground got it's soul back
  6. It's not like we're playing free flowing football currently though, and haven't for quite time. Most city fans have a dna of not winning the Warnock way, i feel it. Problem is, we're getting boring football lacking identity anyway (only city could have a young side who are somehow boring but that's another story)
  7. Exactly , amazing how often I've been back to the UK to watch the world cup.
  8. Poorly phrased I meant , scored more than 1 goal twice in 12 games (Preston , wba)
  9. The last few games , I feel like the elephant in the room is slowly growing. You know that sign of a promotion team is how they pick up points playing badly. Well right now city aren't picking up wins playing well.(in my opinion one of the worst feelings in sport) A relegation dog fight is right there, We've gone from a team who scored for fun but conceded far too many ,to a team who have scored twice in 12 league games. Performances are nice , and yes normally results follow, but they need to follow soon. Right now - performance wise it shows what the team is. A mix of good and bad. Never knowing which is coming in any half. Really hope those first 3 or 4 games come out flying, failing that just win ugly. Points on board is all that matters. (obviously)
  10. Mine often says "no video stream" for periods of first half
  11. Before the new rebuilt. It was considered a death trap for atmosphere. Due to typical wind direction , and the fact it holds nothing in It's funny it's now seen as an atmosphere mecca.
  12. Stoke, the game when so close to promotion to the prem. Probably the only time I've heard genuinely genuinely loud home fans. I was massively taken aback at the time, like wow that's loud.
  13. As literally have no idea which city I'm going to get in any given half never mind game.
  14. Clearly I'm alone in this thought. Turtle back to the shell ?
  15. I don't, but whether or not a team has managed a shot on target shouldn't factor in to time added on. Using that logic , ref should just blow on 90, due to 0 shots on target. It's part of the game because players know, no matter how bad they act .. The additional time is never even close. Be surprised if it's even 50%. If they knew there was no gain , probably would not do it half as much as would be no point. Totally seen worse . But that last 30 mins they were horrible . Don't think 5 mins was close to enough.
  16. Something that gets talked about a lot. Many solutions, ball in play 70 min games , etc etc. Today was a great example of why time should be taken out of the referees hands and given to another official. 10-12 mins would not have been a shock today. I've seen slight improvements this season , but today was silly. The sooner we start getting up to 10-15 mins added on, the sooner players stop bother to waste it. Really felt reading were the worst I've seen at it in a while , absolutely everything was taking forever. However , the fact is they beat the referee as only gave 5 mins means well done to them
  17. Sometimes you read things in football that can be simultaneously depressing and uplifting. I mean why, talk about striking terror into children for no reason. It's nothing short of a disgrace. What on earth was going through the man's head. However, the fact enough people stood up and said , no this is not right. Just shows there are many decent people everywhere. I hope the kids aren't put off going, nor you taking them. I really hope the club look into this matter further , much much further.
  18. i think when you judge it on this alone, this one knock into the box you will look and think why is he coming? However context is important, they were winning first and second balls in the box, they really could have scored 5 or 6 from those crosses into the box. Time and again ball was flashing wide etc etc. He'd clearly taken the premeditated decision to remove the issue at source. On the face of it it seems a careless keeper mistake , but in the context of the game it was the result of the defence losing the defensive aerial battle , by some way, and a keeper trying to fix that. I'm not saying he made the right call, just that if we looked in anyway secure he doesn't come.
  19. Old money Men against boys New money Grown ups v kids .............. That goal was a culmination of every other cross. A ticking time bomb waiting to happen.
  20. Have to say Last night was the first time i noticed a delay between commentary and actions For two goals , was clear to hear the fans cheering before the ball was in the net, shot taken. I've never heard that before ... But it happened noticeably for two goals last night. It's as though sometimes it's not 100% in sync . Talking a second or so.
  21. The turtle


    Now that's how you manufacture figures
  22. Tonight Carey What a difference it makes to commentary. A balanced view , with both criticism of city players and why. Really added to the game I'm watching.
  23. A coach at a Premier League side told me a story of his manager being convinced by their data department to operate a high line against a team with a notably quick forward, despite a first-choice centre-back having to be replaced by a veteran who was just returning from injury and hadn’t been quick on the turn even in his pomp They conceded three within 30 minutes and lost 3-0, but the analysts justified their advice by pointing out their team had won the xG. But that was because, as the coach angrily replied, having scored with three early chances, the other team had no need to attack. They sat back, conserved energy and weren’t much bothered if they conceded a couple of half-chances: the game was over with an hour remaining. That’s not to say that xG is not a very useful tool – it is – merely that it doesn’t always give the whole picture. https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2022/sep/17/football-tacticians-bowled-over-by-quick-fix-data-risk-being-knocked-for-six The problem with Xg isn't so much that fans use it. It's more it's only useful if you've watched the game and understand how the game script played out.
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