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Engvall’s Splinter

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Everything posted by Engvall’s Splinter

  1. Wouldn’t say Dasilva is standout. James and Scott have been non existent. That said, they have some real quality in their side. Klose, Cundy and Atkinson looking robust. We are panicking when in possession. Very much hot potato stuff.
  2. Decent sports clobber the Hummel stuff. Fair play. Always get a few who will moan.
  3. A handful of games (being generous) out of about 150+. No thank you.
  4. and inheriting a better squad of players.
  5. Embarrassing this. I knew we were poor but this is a new level. It’s like we are playing with 9 men.
  6. Sarri will no doubt be enjoying an extra Pinot Grigio tonight.
  7. Don’t understand why the bloke gets so much stick. Was exceptional when he first arrived and kept us up.
  8. Agree in part about lack of movement ahead of both Kalas and Klose, yet they both laboured when on the ball. Stretch the play quicker utilising your full backs. With Dasilva and often Bell on the touch lines, it should be touch and out to the full backs. Instead it was one touch, another, a turn back the other way allowing Coventry to reset. Driving the ball in to them. Some of the passing was at snails pace.
  9. Two of the options you are presenting are an ex Grimsby youth player and Simpson - who we’ve all pretty much acknowledged was a poor signing on the face of it. Come on fella, are these upgrades on what’s on the bench?
  10. Or it could be that a number of players were poor last week yet we have limited options to replace them.
  11. I’m firmly in the Pearson camp and I believe you are too, but if this was Johnson or Holden I’m sure you wouldn’t be posting a similar message.
  12. A ship often takes a while to turn. We’ll get there.
  13. Slight over reaction - what do you know about those other clubs who sit beneath (some absolute basket case clubs too I might add) which gives you the definite opinion we are heading for league one next season. Some whopping comments on here this afternoon. Many with some right self entitlement. Average team loses in derby shocker.
  14. I think we both agree you are missing my point.
  15. So the second incident (“malicious elbow”) would be a straight red? So surely that would mean both incidents yesterday were yellows equalling a red. Ref got it spot on.
  16. Instead of the shove which was a booking, let’s say it was a malicious elbow to the chops, would those stating it shouldn’t of been a second yellow think differently? Or are you allowed a “free” second one?
  17. Thought it was one of the better ones. The introduction of Neil and Dave Fevs returning made it a bit better balanced. As people have said, Ian appeared to be on a tighter leash and was unusually respectful to others on the pod. Seemed as though everyone got a fair shot on the mic as typically Ian seems to be the presenters go to for opinions, often giving Mark the scraps. Sound was miles better. For all the David Brent style management references, cringey comments when people aren’t on mute and the continual massage of his own ego, I actually do log on to listen to Ian to listen to the b******* he spouts. It’s a similar feeling I had with Mark Ashton ??? Good on your though @headhunter Took a bit of stick last week and came back stronger.
  18. The lad has done well lately and has started to fulfil some of his potential. Credit to him but also Pearson/Fleming for their role in his development. Has looked levels above where he was last season. All round game is much better.
  19. Good refereeing. Credit where it’s due.
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