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Everything posted by TonyTonyTony

  1. He looks like he’s been in a fight with Rocky Balboa
  2. Entirely predictable. No way does Sterling deserve a start nor Maguire. Teams that don't pick in form players won't win anything
  3. Not lived there. I have spent a lot of time in UAE/Saudi/Kuwait/Qatar on business.
  4. I wonder how many people that claim the Middle East is a shithole have actually been there?
  5. Crap game. Crap atmosphere. Fell asleep twice
  6. Really? NZ on the back foot and one last opportunity to attach? Crowd made their opinion clear.
  7. Not sure what to say about that. Fantastic end, but then to kick it out of play…..can you see Wales doing that? A very confusing performance
  8. I have no agenda, just an opinion. I saw his interview tonight - incredibly sad about the death of his baby. No idea why you are so triggered
  9. In a thread about his character - it’s relevant.
  10. “Real people in the know, know Ronaldo is a lovely and caring bloke” ?? Do you ever listen to yourself. Christ
  11. Laughable. I’m not so sure you have all the evidence available to do a full cost benefit analysis but I suspect Ronaldos value has plummeted recently, even before he opened his gob. Post interview his value is even less. Ive not insulted anyone in this thread. Just stating facts
  12. You have no clue Ronaldo is speaking the truth about disrespect. You will never know, frankly. The only fact here is he is currently employed by Man U and publicly trashing them while still getting paid. Most people understand disrespecting your employer is a bad thing so not so sure while you are struggling to grasp this simple point.
  13. The principle here is about respecting your employer. It doesn't matter whether you earn 20 grand a year or 500 grand a week. I believe you should show respect to the hand that feeds you. Not only has he done an interview in secret, he has slagged off the owners, the manager, former players and the entire club infrastructure to a bloke like Piers Morgan, who would sell a story about his own Mum to make headlines. Its a terrible look. The criticism of Man U from the former players / Manager you mention came largely after they left and are not on the same page as Ronaldo's comments.
  14. Great news! Im travelling on trains quite a lot now, and its nearly impossible to get a taxi from N&B so find my self getting a taxi to Parkway at 40 quid a pop. I will believe it, however, when i see the diggers. Phoenix way is going to be a total nightmare
  15. Well that would be a first in Football. Its entirely relevant. Calling out your employer, whilst still being paid a lot of money by them is not very smart and shows a complete lack of respect. I very much doubt you would do that to the people that pay you your wages. All this is about, is me me me tantrum time because he isnt the golden boy anymore.
  16. What treatment did Ronaldo receive that was so bad? He was given extra time off (while his agent desperately tried to get him out of Man U) He may well be right about the ownership and infrastructure of Man U, but to go public in such a manner is unprofessional. Do you think whines like this it if he is in the team, scoring regularly? I doubt it Not to mention they are his employers paying him 500 grand a week. Bloke is a total knob
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