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Everything posted by TonyTonyTony

  1. He is marmite, that's for sure. Personally don't get the hatred some seem to have for him. People forget he is still quite young, and probably struggles with the man-management side of the game. Comments from players seem to support that. Once he has a few more years experience he may well turn out to be a good manager. He certainly has confidence in himself
  2. Better to keep the young lads flying under the radar
  3. You seem far too eager to be correct, than to back the lad. You have expressed your opinion over and over. We get it. Most disagree however. Looking forward to him getting 10 goals followed by more flapping from your good self.
  4. Probably better to just crawl away and keep quiet at this point.
  5. Drinking in pubs is expensive now, not unique to the UK though. I was in Dublin a while back - 7 even 8 Euros for a pint of the black stuff
  6. I always track ex players careers after they leave city, particularly home grown players. Its always interesting to see how much they develop, and where they end up
  7. Gutted a bit tonight tbh. Totally understand we had to let him go but still gutted. Meh
  8. Wetherspoons isn’t a benchmark for decent wine. Clueless
  9. Best of luck to the lad. Come on leaps and bounds the last 18 months. Still annoys me though that we are a selling club to a poxy little club like Bournemouth.
  10. Slightly unrelated, but Mokoko Portishead Marina has a bakery. Mostly Sourdoughs which are alright, but they also do baked goodies. Their Cruffins, if you like sweet things, are delicious when fresh
  11. The Lockdowns had a huge effect on people in my family. Not going into details, but seriously changed people's personalities. Not a nice thing to have lived through.
  12. That is a great recipe. Made it yesterday and baked this afternoon. Think the difference is the length of prove and the bake in the Dutch oven
  13. Why are you even here? Zero ***** given The reality is : You have a stadium built by ASDA George section, an owner with a nice watch but has spent **** all on da Roverzzz and wants out. Add to that you have a manager who flirts with jail time every other year and a diminishing fan base. Year on year your attendances trend downwards. Your club is irrelevant and you know it. Being 8th in League 1 is your peak (and you know it). Go shave your head and **** off
  14. Massive decision for Everton now on the manager front. 500 Million investment on their new Stadium, due to be ready in time for 24/25 season. If they do go down, getting back up is not guaranteed - although they would be massive favourites. Dont think they envisaged their new stadium witnessing championship football.
  15. His fitness is such that i dont think you will ever see consistency from him. He can't play 2 games in a week, so he will forever be in and out of the side. When he is on it, he is very good though.
  16. Desperate stuff. Will be interesting to see how Colin “coaches” a team that have been playing football to lumping it forward and being cheating bastards. If he fails it will be doubly funny
  17. The bloke the kicked him looked like a right streak of piss. Silly sausage has a lifetime ban and community service incoming. No doubt his identity will be in the press tomorrow
  18. Possibly out of his depth, but he has no continuity. You can see now what a well run club Brighton is. From his interview yesterday he didnt even know much about this transfer - seems like the owner is picking the players and asking Potter to make a team.
  19. Probably. Amazing how a 62 year old coach who has failed with England has such high stock value. 'Stralia must be desperate. Onwards and upwards.
  20. How the hell he has blagged a 5 year deal is beyond me. You would have also thought the RFU would have some clause about not joining a rival until after the WC 2023. He will also be in charge of AUS for the next Lions tour in 2025.
  21. Where are Chelsea getting all this money from? Spent an absolute fortune and still shite
  22. Indeed - thanks to Vincent. Arrogant enough to think he can chop/change managers on a whim. Quote from Vincent : "I hear talk that we have no plan. Do you honestly think I would have put in so much of my money if I had no plan? Do you think we are idiots?" he said firmly. "Do you think I would be putting in money every month, particularly during the pandemic, if I didn't want success?" "My plan is to take us up to the Premier League and stay there for at least ten years." ?
  23. Next man in will be their 5th Manager in 2 seasons, and they've flip-flopped from dinosaurs lumping it forward, to managers like Hudson who at least tried to pass it around, but they cant score for shit. Lowest scorers in the division, and they are right in the brown stuff. Glorious
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