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Everything posted by TonyTonyTony

  1. TonyTonyTony


    Ben Stokes surely? The World Cup working performance and the epic win in Pakistan surely seals it?
  2. It was a sensational night. I lost my son after the winning goal. He was several rows down in the Dolman. Peak city in recent memory by some distance.
  3. It's delicious for sure, however its clearly more an Indo-China dish. Wouldn't be out of place in a chinese restaurant.
  4. Butchers block i echo - posset banger is great. Butcher in Cadburys garden centre is good, and gloucester services has amazing produce - albeit both not in Bristol
  5. Enjoy. The staff are amazing as well - great banter and very friendly
  6. Desperate as usual. Go change your Tena pads cuntbubble
  7. I also told you what you are and you know it ?? Time for bed Grandad. Shake your walking stick on the way upstairs you utter manual manipulator
  8. Horseshit. It was a 51:49 game. Ref was shit and had Kane scored the penalty we would have won.
  9. He is class isn’t he. I wonder if he could / should open the batting in Tests? When Bairstow is back that’s gotta be a consideration
  10. Compare and contrast that with Messi running over to his goalkeeper yesterday while the rest of his team went crazy.
  11. It’s amazing the metric that some people use to gauge a poor World Cup is that the traditional big teams are out. I think it’s been a great World Cup.
  12. Nice of Ronaldo to stay on the pitch, congratulate the Moroccans, console the younger Portuguese players and to thanks the fans. Self centred *****. Now **** off to Saudi
  13. Some weird posts on here. that was pure entertainment. This World Cup has been amazing
  14. Players look knackered. Come on Holland. Do the *****
  15. I know a lot of us like to laugh at Man U, but he was (is?) a legend there. He was earning a fortune, playing in front of a crowd that adored him. What better way to finish your career? Help the young lads come through, maybe do coaching. But no - his ego wouldnt accept him not playing every week. He will regret it, when he is kicking a football around a dustbowl in Saudi. Silly sod
  16. That was just an amazing game. Wow. Not much sleep tonight if you live in Melilla and Cueta ?
  17. cracking game. The energy levels are amazing in extra time.
  18. Its really good. Try the monkfish starter - really good.
  19. Looking forward to Urban Tandoor in a few days. The monkfish starter is mouth watering
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