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Everything posted by TonyTonyTony

  1. Sorry for your loss, and great post. Its a rite of passage to go to games with your dad and i hope the memories you have stay with you forever.
  2. Steve Jobs had a different view and made a few quid
  3. Based on the celebrations of the womens team, if Southgates team manage to win the world cup i predict the entire country will be on the piss for an entire month.
  4. For someone not interested in it, you sure do like to talk about it
  5. So the current Roundabout into the VQ disappears and moved down to the health centre. That’s major reconstruction. As you say this area is a mess with cars parking on the road outside the health centre. They have to get the design right or it will be a nightmare Phoenix way school run time is a basket case and this will make it worse I reckon
  6. Brilliant finish that. My daughter nearly knocked the TV off the wall
  7. The more you see it, the more ridiculous it looks. Finally Lee Tomlin has gone viral
  8. Shocking ref again. That’s a red all day long Ref right in front of the challenge. Absolute shite
  9. 41000 turned up today and will do so every week. You will see they are a huge club when they fill the Atyeo next week
  10. I’ll keep my fingers crossed. Can’t say I’m looking forward to the disruption getting home but looking forward to the house price spike !
  11. They have to get the parking right, and provide adequate spaces in Portishead too. Parking on the village quarter, up phoenix way is crap as it is. It could be ruined.
  12. Ill still believe it until i see contractors turn up. I remember Sainsburys in town was delayed for ages until they re-homed a few newts !
  13. Made herself look like a total hag in the process. Im sure she will have her red top interviews already lined up. Such a fame whore
  14. Ciudad Condal, at the top of the ramblas behind Place de Catalunya used to be good before it got famous. Now its a bit of a tourist trap and too busy. However the same owner has a place called Cerveseria Catalana, on a side street right at the top of the Ramblas which is decent
  15. A young kid that has brought together millions of people, stood up to the established “grey heads” and spoke so eloquently. She has told the uncomfortable truths that need to be said, which is why so many belittle her. That makes her a hero in my book tbh
  16. The very fact you don’t think Greta is a hero says a lot.
  17. Eating meat is the biggest contributor to global warming. Cutting back your consumption by 50% would have a real Effect if we all did it. I’m not there yet, but trying
  18. More than you buddy. She is a hero. I’m afraid you are a pedantic simpleton.
  19. You are clearly stupid. Can you not interpret simple datasets? It’s very obvious the trend we are on. FFS so frustrating.
  20. Newsflash: It needs to be rammed down your throat or you grandkids are going to roast. So, nothing out of the ordinary is frankly not good enough
  21. Well - anyone belittling Greta Thunberg so glibly is clearly short sighted. What you have achieved counts for nothing if you dismiss the greatest challenge the world is facing. Feel free to call me out on my punctuation because that’s clearly more important…
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