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Everything posted by TonyTonyTony

  1. Oh what bollocks. Warnock is a hated figure at out club for many reasons. Fawning over him as a city fan is a terrible look.
  2. Not sure what you mean really but I wouldn’t touch ole Colin with a barge pole. Over rated dinosaur
  3. Why? You keep banging on about him. Is it not allowed to have an opposing view ?
  4. Old Colin is after his last payout to improve his pension. @BS4 on Tour... has laminated wipe clean photos of him nude I reckon, but most sensible supporters amongst us wouldn’t touch him with a barge pole
  5. Nah mate. Colin would only make certain fans happy I.e the mental ones
  6. Total waste of time to be fair. Jesus this club
  7. That was ropey as **** to be fair. Sounded like he was blagging it a bit tbh.
  8. Christ this is like being in a management meeting.
  9. You are joking right? His name is a perfect anagram of it. Plus he is a manual manipulator. And he looks like a Colin. Its perfect. Its up there with the Fibonacci sequence represented in nature
  10. Jesus. Must have taken ages to contrive that
  11. I need to get a report written, but no, im reading every sodding thing in this thread from you bloody melts. FFS If nothing is happening @Bs4Red needs to go on the naughty step
  12. 13 pages and an hour gone from my day. Thanks
  13. Lets not do Chris Houghton allover again.
  14. Jesus, been on calls and just seen all this. Warnock ? McCarthy? Id right a strongly worded letter
  15. Going back 30 odd years, I've invested a huge amount of time watching City. Had season tickets for about half of those years, but even in times when I didn't have a season ticket then id still go to some home games. This year I didn't renew my card a) due to uncertainty around Covid but primarily b) Fed up sat there in the cold hearing everyone moan and watching shite on the pitch. I've been wowed watching the infrastructure off the pitch grow over the years, but on the pitch we are miles off where we could be. Not going to every game this season has given me back so much time to do other things - I kind of like it. I think I'm on a break for a bit, but I know deep down ill get a season card again at some point. I was planning on getting a half season card at Xmas, but its so poor right now id rather spend the money and go do something else. I don't necessarily want Premier League football like some fans. You think its corporate now - just wait when / if we got to the promised land. No - I just want to be entertained a bit, and watch a bunch of lads in a City strip play with a bit of passion and pride. I can handle not winning games, but i cant handle players who don't seem to care.
  16. How about Brendan Rogers in as defensive coach as well?
  17. Warnock is a Dinosaur. Players don’t respond well to Dinosaurs in this day and age, which may well be part of the issue with Pearson. Also Colin’s recent record isn’t that impressive. Absolute desperation to be talking about getting him onboard. I’d be so gutted
  18. No Basically I mean having that *** anywhere near my club would finish me off. **** Warnock
  19. Gotta be Bairstow to open surely? Malan takes too long to get going and the likely SF against NZ, Boult will bowl like a test match against him. Big blow to lose Roy (poor sod). England never got going tonight but still came very close on a shit pitch (again).
  20. **** that Warnock can **** right off.
  21. There are bad jokes, and there are bad taste jokes. Ill let you work out which one your "joke" was
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