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Everything posted by B1ackbird

  1. Broad really hacked off with himself for holing-out on 62.. He should be doing the Hokey Cokey...
  2. Has Shannon bowled any overs that didn't include at least one no-ball?
  3. I thought another 100 would be good, what now 320?
  4. Oh dear, sisemic event in Manchester.. Gabriel's thinking FFS...
  5. Having entered the Shed of the year competition I was crestfallen to discover it wasn't just for Bristol City fans, it was for people with actual Sheds. Never mind, I still came third.
  6. Insa was great, before the start of the match, you could guess how many of his own team mates he would run out. Usually four per innings...
  7. For some unknown reason I had Insamam-mull-Haq in mind..
  8. Cheer up Gassers, with Hull getting religated, you can play for the Dean Windass trophy next season. Hours of fun..
  9. Why didn't he attend court as Capt Jack Sparrow, he could say he smacked her about a bit, then, swing on a nearby rope , to the admonishment of the Gout ridden judge and hearty cheers from the spectators..
  10. Set up brilliantly for the decider...
  11. Those early drops seem expensive now...
  12. OK lads, don't die with your gun in the holster now... Still recovering from two Nelson... "Eboney and Mikeee live together in perfect harmony, side by side...
  13. Day 2.. Come on Sibs, Steve Smith the hell out of the Windies. (not playing with enough flourish for the Somerset hating Rob Key)
  14. Hell be happier than Jimmy Anderson who is currently sticking pins in a Voodoo doll of Ed Smith..
  15. Burns out to a non-spinning spinner ie: A slow bowler.. Then he slings an appeal away on the slim hope that it wasn't as plumb as it looked. It also seems to have turned into a Windies "love-in" to rival Kohli's usual ****-a-thon when ever India play a series over here
  16. FM that's unreal. He had to have left the hotel, if he did there's no effing hope... Do they have to test everyone again?
  17. Evening... This show is just like Monte Carlo..
  18. BT's first studio card tonight, looking forward to it..
  19. Does it really matter when the CC is played in the margins of the English summer whilst the 100 vanity project takes centre stage where a family can take their seats un offended by drunker working class men 'enjoying themselves'... ☺
  20. Evertonians still celebrate Ray Attiveld day on the day they managed to flog him to us..
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