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Street red

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Everything posted by Street red

  1. What's it got to do with the hierarchy if yeboah changes his agent if he wants new representatives then that's his decision,It shouldn't matter to withdraw him from the squad is just pathetic.
  2. Said exactly this yesterday manning should of made at least a change on 50 minutes just to stop the control Preston had.
  3. This is more than posting after a defeat the club just needs freshing up with new ideas do people honestly think we are going to progress with this current set up. Currently we are an established championship side and that's it no more no less.
  4. And look what Nige did with vyner and pring he stuck by them and never shunted them out the door,Ok not all young players make it but sometimes they progress quicker staying where they are around better players,I'm not sure I like what I'm reading but as they say time will tell.
  5. There is that it is annoying think I've still received emails that I didn't want to receive in the past sometimes you do think why do i bother.
  6. I'm not trying to point fingers just that there is a communication preference on the accounts that you can control what information you receive.
  7. Think you will find there is something on your Bristol sport account(Communication preferences) about what information you receive especially all across Bristol sport organisation football basketball rugby etc etc You can tick these off by clicking on update preferences Not sure if thats anything to do with it. To receive information off west ham is a strange one.
  8. West ham was great standing felt like old and you have a seat at half time. The entire south stand should be safe standing.
  9. 2nd priority window didn't we have that for the Manchester utd game? I'm not sure why they haven't done so again.
  10. Yeah I think they do so it does explain it which to me isn't right because then genuine football members that can't afford to attend through season tickets can't get tickets and I bet a fair few have missed out.
  11. It does seem a crazy amount of members but maybe thats right. Pretty impressive really just wondering if they where snapped up at the start of the season.
  12. I'm surprised it's sold out already do we honestly have that many members? And how many half season tickets have we sold! After yesterday that should of left around 9k of tickets and probs 1k segregation or am I being completely stupid.
  13. I hope so Norwich of old yes but Norwich now im not so sure, Bit of luck it will motivate Norwich as well
  14. I hate to say it but I think the blue few will beat Norwich that is a massive motivational draw. How much does that away stand hold at anfield now they added the new top part?
  15. Might be something to do with the date of birth I'm sure you can't upgrade a 7 year old straight to an adult if she was 17 and just turned 18 it might be different. I'm presuming they have your granddaughters details.
  16. Street red


    I was only saying this yesterday his body language didn't seem right wasn't his usual but maybe looking to much into it. Glad I wasn't the only one thinking it
  17. Not with eyes would scare the shit out of me in the morning
  18. On coach 27 glad I made the decision to travel up this way, It does seem it's a nightmare on the trains today hopefully everyone gets to the game COYR
  19. The answer = Blame it on Rennie
  20. Ours just posted mine through the letter box even though it needed signing for.
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