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Everything posted by James54De

  1. If you haven't, all I can do is urge you to go and get one. Protect Yourself, Protect Others. Oh, and I'm sure you want to get down Ashton Gate after September. ?
  2. Hahaha. Like they did against lockdown, etc. Strange how your argument has fallen apart so quickly. Presume you have had the vaccine?
  3. That white background on you text looked very much like a copy and paste to me, but what do I know?
  4. Again, absolutely not related to anything near the “Covid Pass” being proposed. Nor is the Nuremberg Code, (which looking at the formatting of your you’re not particularly clued up on, seeing as you had to copy and paste it to spell it correctly) particularly applicable related to Covid. https://fullfact.org/health/nuremberg-code-covid/
  5. ? Give it a rest. The ECHR is the highest court, and have already displayed that Vaccine Passports are within law. As is compulsory vaccination.
  6. You can say wrong all you like. Vaccine passports are not illegal under any law, as has been tried in the ECHR already.
  7. Not quite. You can’t discriminate against ‘protected characteristics’. You can not allow entry because of other things. E.g clothing, personality, inebriation state, mask wearing, etc. Again, the position on vaccine passports would have to pass into law, thus would be completely legal, no matter what you, or said ‘lawyers’ believe.
  8. Going to be difficult to bat on this pitch tomorrow. Hopefully Root and Sibley can settle in and ride it out.
  9. The true rate in England is likely to be around 2,000 in 100,000. So the PL testing probably displays that it is pretty aligned with the woder population.
  10. With the new lockdown, are they likely to have a few weeks off?
  11. Logistics I’d imagine. With the south stand concourse busy, and the NHS workers testing centre in the car park, They’d probably want to keep people away from those areas.
  12. Bristol almost certainly won’t be in the lowest tier, so meaningless for us.
  13. Numerous time Rugby played on a Friday and us on a Saturday.
  14. Worth remembering that he’s had rave reviews early on in both his loans, but tailed off as the season progressed.
  15. So they've put themselves forward, despite clearly not being in a position to do so. Wow. They've only had six months to plan for such a thing. I'd hope those at Ashton Gate have provisional plans to cater for a range of different number limits where plans could be implemented quickly.
  16. There actual scientific evidence that shows they don’t. Like, literal evidence. A surgical mask doesn’t stop the flow of air if worn correctly.
  17. Neither do masks, at all. They simply trap water molecules that either go in or out of the mouth.
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