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Everything posted by Capman

  1. Well said. There are some ‘fans’ who seem determined to hound out anyone and everyone from the club. They are an embarrassment.
  2. Says it all really. I want it different but no idea how. There are those that do, and those who moan from the sidelines. The moaners are at their happiest when city lose because it gives them something to moan about.
  3. A few relentlessly negative fan’s RA. I am surprised you haven’t noticed.
  4. Utterly ridiculous thread. Lose a couple of matches and otib wants everyone fired. FFS people it really is time to get some perspective. Pearson said it would take time. Guess what he understands football. That’s what he is paid for.
  5. I have come to the conclusion that NP is just a very good man manager. He seems to have an ability to get the best from players. He is building a team and a group of players who want to play for him, for the club and for each other. It’s something which has been lacking.
  6. Capman


    Thought he looked good tonight and has done well all season so far. Positioning looks mature. Yes he makes mistakes but then so does everyone else.
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