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Everything posted by TheReds

  1. I got to the "they are only one division above us" and left. We're only one division below the Prem, but are miles away from pretty much every team in that league. How would they even pay Championship wages with 9k crowds in the tented village? I must have missed where they are making money every season, hasn't Wally been bailing them out every season - and what has he got to show for it? Loads of players worth millions? Why they even think Lansdown has basically done his dough is beyond me. They seem to see a figure and that's it, job done. I guess they are not used to looking at actual assets of the club/Lansdown. Stadium, training ground, infrastructure, Rugby, Basketball, new development of another arena and flats and hotel, and then can add in the players. I wonder how all that compares to the mighty Roverzzz situation? Obviously none of them would swap positions.....
  2. All the ones locked out can chuck a quid in, - job done.
  3. Yes, five. You can check on the video posted above by pausing it at the challenge. Naismiths boot is there and he jumps, lands, and makes two quick small steps when he lands (not falls), and then takes another 3 before he throws himself down - you can see those 3 quick steps from the camera behind the goal. As for the pen, if he went down when touched I don't have a problem, but he thought he could stay up imo and score, and then seen Atkinson running and sliding in and knew he wouldn't, so took a dive.
  4. Wow, I've never heard that excuse for a blatant dive a few steps after a so called foul. Any player who goes down about 5 steps after a so called foul (where momentum hasn't played its part), should never, ever be given a penalty. If that is what is now classed as 'winning' a penalty then we may as well call it a day. The bloke should be getting banned for simulation. That was about 10 times worse on a scale (no pun intended) than Tomlins second yellow yesterday (where he was obviously cynically fouled but made a ridiculous meal of it).
  5. If it's a decent bit of business then maybe don't throw him under the bus after starting the first game of the season. Barton had no need to really name anyone. He could quite easily have said "we are struggling for players at the moment, and that wouldn't have been my first choice 11 if everyone was fit, and a couple of players aren't up to up to speed or full fitness yet", "we need to get some new faces in to improve the current crop of players we have available", etc etc etc. He has basically said that Clarke is not anywhere near first team material, and after giving him a 2/3 year contract a month ago. Terrible comments for the player, if that's man management then you are in trouble. I'm all for some tough love etc, but that was not needed whatsoever.
  6. It doesn't really matter if Clarke would have been on the bench or not, he started. He has just been given a new contract (up to 3 years) by the same manager, he started because the manager picked him, if the squad is down to the bare bones then that is also down to the manager and also the owner. If Clarke being a first teamer is showing how bad the transfer window has been for Rovers, whilst giving the same player a fairly long deal, then it shows how terrible the business has been giving him that contract. His choice of words is not surprising at all, but then again he always seems to make a point of wanting to take responsibility himself, whilst then going on to throw someone under the bus, deflecting the responsibility from himself to the players.
  7. Barton seems to have a bit of history with Westbrook, dropping him and loaning him out, obviously doesn't want him there, so I am not surprised with the sly dig - I'm sure Barton could bring through some of the youngsters instead if he is that bad? As for that Clarke, he signed a new 2 year deal last month with the option of another year, so who's fault is that Joey, he isn't some 18yr old learning his trade. The player must be over the moon with the comments. What great man management. From Wiki - Clarke signed a new two-year contract with the club with the option for a further year on 3 June 2022
  8. Carried away at around 420 when we are 3-0 up and Hull have gone to pieces....Although I think I may have started early with that comment.
  9. Awful disease, good luck to the bloke. Football definitely doesn't matter when things like this happen.
  10. My total bets are below, but my best bets at the prices are Reading 11/4 relegation and Norwich top 6 at 5/6. All looks fine and dandy at the moment, and optimistic..... Norwich win & top 6 at 6/1 and a huge 5/6 Reading relegation 11/4 & Man c win 4/7 - double pays around 5/1 Reading relegation, Bradford top 7, Sheff weds top 6, Man C win 18/1 Reading relegation, Bradford top 7, Man city 11/1 Norwich, Man C, Sheff W all win 61/1 Man C & Celtic both to win, Norwich & Sheff W both top 6 7/1 Man C, Norwich top 6, Bradford top 7 5/1 Celtic, Man c, Real M all win, Norwich, Salford and Sheff w all to be top 6/7 35/1
  11. Looks like his missus isn't putting out after the alleged beating, he's been using his right hand far too much looking at the size of that against his left one....
  12. Don't start looking into where those tens of billions of blue masks have ended up, you'll give yourself a heart attack.
  13. I think I am correct in thinking you are from London (if I'm wrong stop reading)? Why not get the Megabus on the Saturday to Bristol, shows up as under a tenner from Victoria to Bristol town centre. I've never used it before but my mate uses it to go to London for Boxing/gigs etc.
  14. My mate who is a season ticket holder has said the same thing for the last few years, said it is crazy how there isn't hardly any kids. How are they going to get anyone from this generation apart from the ones who aren't dragged down by their parents? Older ones will be passing and not getting replaced. Kids today don't want a day at a dump like the tented village anymore.
  15. Most diesels are 16 plate onwards I think for a Euro 6 which pass, a lot of petrol cars pass that are a lot earlier date than that. A mate who goes with his son has a 07 plate petrol and is fine. Just go on autotrader and see the difference in prices, if you need to change, crazy.
  16. Argument? If that is what you are reading into that then I give up.
  17. And yet without even thinking about it you name a hattrick of violent related incidents (with one of them having multiple convictions)...
  18. This, this and this. Pearson is all about attitude and the right people to be here. King is one of those people, the new signings all seem to have the same type of winning mentality and attitude. I cannot understand why people just don't seem to see it!
  19. That's what a fair few would spend without any of that bravery powder. £5-£6 a pint, a few shots, nightclub entry + nightclub drinks prices, late night greasy food, and a taxi at an extortionate price and that's gone. Plus most people don't even know what they are spending nowadays until the morning after, as they don't take out cash either.
  20. Don't say things like that on here, King is apparently a waste of space and waste of a wage to quite a few, even though it was pretty obvious he was brought in for his attitude/work ethic etc. I'm loving the recruitment from Pearson and his team.
  21. Seems to be another with a specific attitude/winning mentality, like the players that have recently been brought in. Seems like a very good appointment.
  22. The point being is he possibly could have been, if he had the same attitude and application as Ronaldo or Messi. Didn't seem to care if he played or not the last few years, and he could have quite easily moved, pushed himself, and played regular football in another top side, feel wanted by the club and fans, but that would have meant he would have to survive on about 250-300 grand per week I expect.
  23. Bale is/was probably one of the best players in the World. But I don't think he will ever be remembered like Ronaldo/Messi will, even with his achievements, simply due to him seemingly happy to sit on the bench the last few years. Whereas if he had the same attitude and application as those players I think he would be bang up there with them, but it seems to me that is his biggest failing. Some could quite easily call that a waste, but I'm not getting into that argument. Also surely he would have had one or two B'allon d'ors to his name if he was that good, assuming he would qualify (I'm unsure what qualifications are required)? Ps - Unlucky Cardiff.
  24. Reading look like they will struggle massively, still more players to leave and they have already lost a few of their better ones. Maybe they will surprise, but they don't look like they are in a very healthy position as it currently stands.
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