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Everything posted by sh1t_ref_again

  1. My post was aimed at the few who coninually pop up on the back of a couple of defeats, trying to create a groundswell against SL and wanting him out and what that could achieve. Also take your point which would seem to havve been addressed, we have a manager in NP, who is not afraid to tell SL where its going wrong, Tinman now running recruitment and a new CEO who could not be more experienced it would seem SL now has the football people in place, just need an upturn in results.
  2. This is what I don't understand with the want SL out brigade, what they want? It can't be extra money as far as I understand you can't just put extra money into the club over what SL is doing due to FFP, without perhaps being creative, bending the rules and running the risk of doing a Derby. So you could have a new board and different people, but run the risk of who these people are and how they finance the club just to have someone different at the helm.
  3. Thought the shout would have been Dicks out, or was that just the women shouting this
  4. Agree with this and made similar comment on the Lansdown thread. Social media is the worst, guessing mainly by younger fans who have mot seen harder times. It's posting for the sake of it, often nonsense for attention, trying to feel popular with likes, shares or comments, Gives a very distorted picture
  5. Good to read some of the positive replies, always seems to be the same few individuals who can't wait for a poor spell to try and gain support for their anti SL rhetoric agenda. The problem with forums and social media, when a small number of people posting negative views have a few jumping on the bandwagon as they are frustrated it can look very negative towards our owners. I have always argued as like many, are very grateful they continue to financially back BCFC, although I will accept they have not always got it right, its very easy to criticise with hindsight. I also get frustrated with the number of times posters will try to portray statements as facts to belittle them without any real basis, e.g they will get all the money back with all the house building etc or SL has gone off football and prefers Rugby, also the attacks on Bristol Sport which I do not understand. I believe the majority of fans recognise and appreciate how lucky we are to have SL, and hope he stays for a long time to come. If and when he decides to sell the club, I have absolute faith it will be to someone he trusts to carry on the work he has started.
  6. I thought we were worth more than the draw, you only have to go and read Millwall's fans forum, where the overwhelming opinion is they were lucky to get away with a point
  7. Very good performance only tainted by some weak finishing, but happy with a point and clean sheet
  8. Had problems with robins tv, changed to Spain and working fine
  9. Good overall half, Semenyo OK but some loose control, Tanner struggling at time against their winger
  10. So you think a player can pull you back and spin you around in the box to prevent you getting the ball
  11. So another blatant penalty not given to us by this ref, Look forward to the apology letter
  12. Max Tanner - Vyner - Naismith - Skyes - Scott - James - Pring Weimann Conway - Wells Subs, HNM Atkinson, DaSilva (possibility at RWB), Bentley, Semenyo (tell conway, run yourself into ground as will be replaced at half time by AS), Bell
  13. Just when we need a decent ref, we get one that made one of the most shocking penalty decisions. Perhaps he may try and even things up, got to be embarrassing having the EFL make an apology about you
  14. Editing Wiki is the closest the blue few will get to being the biggest team in Bristol
  15. Interesting how we pick the back line, discounting Kalas as not fit Pring is an easy pick at LWB as performed very well A little while back we went with our 3 CB's as Tanner (before he got sent off), Vyner & pring which looked very mobile and performed well, therefore I would like to see Tanner, Vyner, Nailsmith, with Naismith replacing Pring as he is at wingback. Vyner played very well in the middle. For RWB, my 1st instinct would be Skyes, he was part of the run winning team listed at the start of the thread, before being dropped. When he has come on and replaced AW at RWB I think he has been better than AS. The other option could be DaSilva, who did play on that side before, although i am not his biggest fan as a defender. Skyes Tanner Vyner Naismith Pring - plenty of pace and a very good left side. That gives us Atkinson to come and play LCB and shuffle as necessary.
  16. I had screenshot the exact same clip earlier that lead to the 1st goal with a view to posting it. AW is caught in no mans land with Phillips running in behind him and AW easily beaten by the pass, by then Vyner has ground to make up on a runner already at full pace, should AW have been further up the pitch and challenging the player making the pass? it seems he is playing RWB but very deep a lot of the time, perhaps under instruction, or was this where a natural defender would know where is man is and track the run?
  17. If the powers to be have real concern over NP's future, then they cannot employ another coach as any incoming manager is likely to want their own backroom staff, but that does not mean he could not be given a short term contact or paid as a consultant, if things work out in the short term for NP then could be offered a normal contract, assuming NP feels he needs him.
  18. Earlier in the season we had a run of 6 wins and 2 draws, before our loss to Norwich (which was not deserved from memory) then a deserved loss to Burnley and poor results since, so just trying to see what has changed about the team BCFC 2-0 luton Bentley (C), Vyner, Naismith, Atkinson, Sykes, Scott (Klose 81'), Massengo, Dasilva, Weimann (King 90'), Conway (Williams 77'), Wells (Martin 77') BCFC 2-0 Cardiff Bentley (C), Vyner, Naismith, Atkinson, Scott, Massengo (Wilson 88'), Williams (King 84'), Dasilva, Weimann, Conway (Martin 79'), Wells (Klose 90') Blackpool 3 -3 BCFC Bentley (C), Vyner, Naismith, Atkinson, Scott (Semenyo 64'), Massengo (James 45'), Williams, Dasilva, Weimann, Conway (King 86'), Wells BCFC 2-0 Huddersfield Bentley (C), Atkinson, Naismith, Vyner, Sykes, James (Massengo 81'), Scott (Williams 75'), Weimann, Conway (Semenyo 58'), Wells (Martin 81') Blackburn 2-3 BCFC Bentley (C), Dasilva, Atkinson, Naismith, Vyner, Sykes, James, Scott (Massengo 90+1), Weimann, Conway (Semenyo 63), Wells (Williams 87) Norwich 3-2 BCFC Bentley (C), Dasilva, Atkinson (Martin 85), Naismith, Vyner, Sykes (Semenyo 65), James, Scott, Weimann, Conway (Williams 75), Wells Keeper Bentley, now Max who has generally done well and only at fault for a couple of goals recently, so not sure how much impact Our defence was fairly stable with Vyner, Naismith, Atkinson, Skyes & DaSilva, with Nailsmith eventually getting injured but now back, think most would agree Pring is an upgrade on DaSilva HNM was ever present, but started to be reduced as James minutes increased Upfront Weimann, Conway, Wells, with AW now playing deep at RWB, I said on another thread that we have lost our press up front and movement into space top allow quick passing, instead we play around with the ball at the back and hit long balls into the channels. With Weimann now deep, we have lost the energy to have a fast 3 man press and I think HNM workrate feeding AS is also a big miss. I have not looked back at the match reports and perhaps there are more reasons for the changes, but the side is not that different with all the players available if NP decides to change things around.
  19. Although now slightly concerned, realising that Colin has worked for him before
  20. Extract from link, but very positive from ex employer - Chairman Steve Parish commented: “Phil has been an integral part of CPFC for the last 26 years, and it’s fair to say his contribution to the club is immeasurable. Quite apart from his unswerving loyalty, day-to-day hard work, Phil has been the most loyal of servants steering the club through not one, but two, periods when the very existence of the club was threatened. “During those two administrations Phil was instrumental in holding the club together. He brought in the management team that kept the club in the championship in 2010 on that famous day in Sheffield and set the club on course for where it is today. “We wish him every possible success in his new job. On a personal note I would like to publicly thank you Phil, you’ve been brilliant to work with we’ve had an enormous amount of pressure at times but also a huge amount of fun. "Good luck mate, we look forward to seeing you back at Selhurst sometime soon.”
  21. https://www.bcfc.co.uk/news/ℹ-phil-alexander-appointed-new-ceo/
  22. Interesting post, but of the 7 you mention Bentley, had been a major part until recently, maybe on way out , Kalas has been injured more than available, Baker had to retire, Dasilva had found his way back into the team, hopefully now only as backup to Pring, Massengo going to be leaving but should be a bench warmer, Weimann was excellent last year but wasted this year at wing back, Wells much improved so currently only 2 starting, we have been unlucky with the injuries and had Kalas and Baker remained fit could have had a big impact upon defence
  23. But the fans wanted success and I do not remember a big outcry when we were signing all these players, in fact it was exciting times, but like all fans we live with the outcome good or bad. I think the issue is time, as in the time it took to see the error of MA's ways, by then its too late you have spent the money and invested it so are committed to players and contracts, no doubt if he was challenged by SL for justification would have been able to give chapter and verse why each signing would be fantastic for us.
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