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Everything posted by sh1t_ref_again

  1. No most can see we have played very well against 3 of the top sides and unlucky not to have beaten all 3
  2. Would be good if someone was able to put together a "if only we VAR or a decent Ref" video compilation of the not given to us and dodgy given against, just so we can all wally in our self pity, you never know perhaps someone outside the club will look at it and say WTF
  3. Thank you for some great work and effort. It would be interesting to also see the data rather than just the rank, for example Swansea would look to be as bad or worse than us from the tables, as ranked 102 for penalties just below us but the 3rd most fouled, so above us, but if they have had 2 or 3 penalties gives a different complexation, when doing the ratio of touches v fouls in box / penalties. I know your chart tries to reflect this, but its difficult to see how many penalties teams have had, could reflect it by adding penalties to show up with name perhaps? Edit - just seen 2nd, chart touches per penalty which helps
  4. Defender did well but only because TC delayed the pass, he had a great opportunity to play it a few seconds before when Wells was free
  5. Not sure if you are half glass full or half empty, but it seems that soneone has pissed in your glass so you don't like it whatsoever
  6. Don't want to be critical because I thought everyone was excellent today, but TC should have buried the 1st half header and played the ball earlier to Wells when they were breaking 2 on 1 but just delayed too long. His 1 on 1 chance he put wide was difficult
  7. not sure what we have to do to get a pen
  8. highlights from sky https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/sports/football/12745661/bristol-city-0-0-watford
  9. looks even more impressive when you look at more detail of the 1st half, 2nd half was more even
  10. So we were due one today, as seems the frequency is about 1 a year
  11. Wonder if Atkinson is not fit, not surprised Klose is nowhere near the team
  12. Hope so, he should be used until we stop paying his wages
  13. Or if we did get to kick off, Jay would probable cross the ball and knock it straight out for a goal kick
  14. With our luck we would lose the toss and have to wait for them to kick off
  15. Really really are such a fantasist and come out with any b0ll0cks to try and prove you point
  16. Whilst sorting out the recruitment mess by LJ & MA, with no money and reducing the wage bill so we conform to FFP. At least I have more faith we are on the right track.
  17. Agree with this, people are quick to forget how well NP had us playing earlier in the season and too quick to ask for change. We need to persist with NP and not panic into taking the club backwards
  18. Don't think anyone would disagree including SL the money he has spent has not brought the success he hoped for when spending it. Although as pointed out before we are now considered an established championship side, where as years ago we were more of a league 2/3 side along with the gas, swindle, Plymouth etc. You picked Brentford, again that's with hindsight of a team that has done well and could be held as an example. Rightly or wrongly SL has had a plan and backed his managers / CEO with the hope it would get us to the prem, as we know that did not work out and caused us bigger issues now (added in with a dose of covid affecting football). Could 200+ million be spent better and had more success, of course it could, but there is no magic formula that guarantees success, added the restrictions of FFP and playing in a rigged competition where teams are given a £40 million pound head start, If SL losses are reduced then good, but bear in mind its not just the actual money invested, its the money he could of made on that money over the 20 years. I know SL is not perfect, but I feel lucky to have a club with a benefactor such as SL where I am not worried if and when they want out or we when will be in admiration. As for those who want him out, not sure where the next billionaire is hanging around desperate to lose some money on a small football club in a city they have probable never heard of.
  19. But pro rata does not pay the bills unless you are in administration, which could have been if we did not have an owner with such deep pockets. So sure you will say paying for his mistakes, if that is putting money in to back managers etc who purchase and pick the team. But it's easy with hind sight to say it was all wrong. Bit like you being able to provide last weeks lottery numbers, easy after the event
  20. Don't think we have a better player than him for breaking up play and making interceptions, if he then plays it Scott as the playmaker that fine, also HNM rarely gives the ball away
  21. That's possible, but would not be surprised if that was the case, NP would just come out with, well he's already made an agreement with another club, so no point in playing him Even if that's his plan, some good performances could put him on the radar of other clubs prepared to pay a fee Sure there is a lot more to this than us fans know
  22. I support NP and back him, but disagree and disappointed with his stance on HNM and find it hard to believe he did not even make the bench against Lincoln. Lots of fans on here very judgemental on his stance at not signing a new contract, but have no idea how good an offer that contract is. If its the case the club knew he would not sign a contract over a year ago, then they needed to either up the offer or sell him when the contract term still had value. When Han has played, in general I think he has looked good (has had poor games like any other young player) and I think we could have had something special with HNM and Scott in the middle. He has never really been given a consistent run in the team, and seeing he stated he came to us to get 1st team football, no wonder he has not changed his mind about signing a contract. If we continue our form where a single point could make the difference between staying up or relegation come the end of the season, it makes no sense to have one of our better players playing in the u23s just so we can have the likes of King Kadji Williams or who ever may be here next year taking his place just because they will be here, even if that means playing in the division below. If nothing else good performances could put him in the shop window at the next window
  23. Sounds like tonight we do need him, or do you think 2-0 down is OK when our midfield has been so poor. If he plays well it puts him in the shop window and helps the team
  24. Thought low did not look very assured on Saturday and had to make a foul when he got beat, not yet up to the standard or quick enough
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