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Posts posted by HOZDA

  1. Really been impressed by him since joining. Energy, pace and gives 100%. Seen the highlights of the goals - good composed finish and lovely ball to Bell! 

    Can't mock Well's effort, but the thought of a front 3 with Bell / Conway / Sykes sounds very promising and exciting!

  2. Good summary. Recently returned home after going down to watch the game and agree with this all.

    Rather underwhelming. Despite having a decent amount of the ball, we just didn't look threatening with it. Almost one dynamic. Poor passes, poor control/touches, limited creativity in the middle. Frustrating really. And like you say, gifted Brum the game - they didn't have to do much and took the chances handed on a plate. Almost as if they were happy to let us have the ball because we weren't doing much with it, especially in the final third.

    Game would have been different if Wells scored that chance. Fine margins.

    Thought Yeboah's cameo was decent - was actually excited when he received the ball, something different/good pace and was brave enough to take on his man. 17 only too fairplay.

    The boos at the end too...I understand frustration but it's farcical this early on. Oh well, onto the next.

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